

The Research of the Time to Complete the"Three Tong"'s"Jingjikao"and"Yiwenlve"Codified by Qing Dynasty Officials
摘要 文章基于《续文献通考·经籍考》《续通志·艺文略》《清文献通考·经籍考》《清通志·艺文略》参考《四库全书总目》稿本撰成的前提,将它们放在《四库全书初次进呈存目》、中国国家博物馆藏《四库全书总目》稿本、文渊阁《四库全书》、《四库全书简明目录》等组成的《四库全书总目》文本形成序列中,综合考察其分类和收录图书情况,突破直接资料匮乏的瓶颈,明确了它们的编成时间范围:《续经籍考》编成于乾隆四十六年(1781年)二月前后,《续艺文略》编成于乾隆四十六年(1781年)二月至乾隆四十六年(1781年)十二月之间,《清经籍考》编成于乾隆四十九年(1784年)至乾隆五十年(1785年)十二月之间,《清艺文略》编成于乾隆五十年(1785年)十二月至乾隆五十二年(1787年)十二月之间。文章借此构建出更加完整的《四库全书总目》文本形成序列。 According to the manuscript of the Siku Quanshu Zongmu,the books Xu Wen Xian Tong Kao Jing Ji Kao,Xu Tong Zhi Yi Wen Lve,Qing Chao Wen Xian Tong Kao Jing Ji Kao,and Qing Chao Tong Zhi Yi Wen Lve were compiled.Based on this premise,a comprehensive examination of their classification and included books was conducted by integrating them into a sequence of texts that includes the Siku Quanshu Chuci Jincheng Cunmu,the manuscript of the Siku Quanshu Zongmu held by the National Museum of China,the Wenyuange Siku Quanshu,and the Siku Quanshu Jianming Mulu.This breakthrough overcame the bottleneck caused by the lack of direct materials and clearly defined the time range of their compilation:the Xu Jing Ji Kao was compiled around the second month of the 46th year of Qianlong(1781),the Xu Yi Wen Lve was compiled between the second month and the last month of the 46th year of Qianlong(1781),the Qing Jing Ji Kao was compiled between the 49th year(1784)and the end of the 50th year of Qianlong(1785),and the Qing Yi Wen Lve was compiled between the last month of the 50th year(1785)and the end of the 52nd year of Qianlong(1787).This process was used to construct a more complete sequence of texts for the Siku Quanshu Zongmu.
作者 毛伟林 杨峰 尹飞 Mao Weilin;Yang Feng;Yin Fei
出处 《图书馆研究与工作》 2023年第7期84-89,共6页 Library Science Research & Work
基金 西安交通大学图书馆2022年馆内课题“《四库全书总目》对古典图书分类法的继承与影响”的研究成果之一。
关键词 艺文略 经籍考 《四库全书总目》 史志目录 古典图书分类法 Yi Wen Lve Jing Ji Kao Siku Quanshu Zongmu historical records catalogue classical literature classification
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