采用DZ125高温合金粉末对DD5合金进行激光沉积修复,通过正交试验的方法,研究了激光功率、扫描速度和送粉量对单道单层沉积区枝晶外延生长的影响,实现了沉积区枝晶外延生长的控制。在此基础上,进行单道多层沉积修复试验,分析测量了单道多层沉积区的显微组织和硬度。结果表明:较低的热输入量和送粉量可显著提高沉积区枝晶外延占比;当激光功率为420 W、扫描速度为6 mm/s、送粉量为1.5 g/min时,单道单层沉积区枝晶外延占比约为100%。单道多层沉积区中下部为平面晶、沿沉积方向外延生长的柱状晶,顶部为等轴晶;沉积区γ′相不均匀地分布在γ相中,枝晶间区域的γ′相尺寸大于枝晶干区域的γ′相尺寸;沉积区底部短棒状MC碳化物沿枝晶间分布,且Ta元素含量较高;沉积区顶部的小块状以及八面体状MC碳化物随机分布。DD5合金基体平均显微硬度为425 HV_(0.5),沉积区平均显微硬度略高于基体,为449 HV_(0.5);与沉积区中部相比,沉积区底部和顶部的显微硬度略高,沉积区底部显微硬度最高。
Objective DD5 nickel-based single-crystal(SX)alloy has been widely applied to manufacture the aeroengine turbine blades due to its excellent high-temperature strength and creep resistance.However,many types of damage to SX turbine blades,e.g.,blade tip erosion,crack,are unavoidable in the harsh working environment,which shortens the service life of SX turbine blades.Therefore,it is urgent to study the repair of damaged SX turbine blades.The laser deposition technology,which can provide high temperature gradients and allows the addition of controlled amounts of material to required locations,is beneficial to repair the damaged SX alloy parts.According to investigation on laser deposition repair of SX alloy by scholars,the damaged SX alloy can be successfully repaired by properly controlling laser process and repairing SX alloy with different materials has bright prospects.At present,minimal reports have discussed the laser deposition repair of DD5 SX alloy using different materials.Therefore,the DD5 SX alloys are repaired by laser deposition technology using the DZ125 superalloy powder.The influence of laser power,scanning velocity and powder-feeding on dendrite epitaxial growth is systematically investigated by the orthogonal experiment method.The microstructure and microhardness of the single multi-layer as-deposited sample are analyzed.This study is aimed at providing a guide for the repair of damaged DD5 SX alloy.Methods The gas-atomized DZ125 superalloy powders were used as the depositing materials in this experiment and the cast DD5 SX alloys with the crystallographic orientation((001)/[100])normal to the depositing surface were applied as the substrate.Firstly,the DD5 SX alloys were repaired by laser deposition technology.The influence of laser power,scanning velocity and powder-feeding on dendrite epitaxial growth is systematically investigated by the orthogonal experiment method.Then,the laser deposition experiment of single multi-layer was carried out.The microstructure of the single multi-layer as-deposited sample was characterized by optical microscope,scanning electron microscope and the chemical composition was determined by EDS analysis.Finally,the microhardness of substrate and deposition zone was tested by Vickers hardness tester to explore the variation trends of microhardness and the relationship between the variation trends of microhardness and the microstructure.Results and Discussion Under the conditions of different heat input and powder-feeding rate,the dendrite epitaxial growth in the deposition zone is different(Fig.4).It is obvious that the influence of laser powder and powder-feeding rate on the dendrite epitaxial growth is remarkable,and the effect of scanning speed on the dendrite epitaxial growth is relatively weak(Fig.6).An increase in laser powder can heighten epitaxial growth height,it also significantly decreases the ratio of epitaxial growth.Similarly,the influence of powder-feeding rate on the variation trends of the height and ratio of dendrite epitaxial growth is similar to the laser powder.Therefore,the ratio of dendrite epitaxial growth can be prominently improved with the lower heat input and powder-feeding.When the laser power is 420 W,the scanning speed is 6 mm·s−1 and the powder-feeding rate is 1.5 g·min−1,the ratio of dendrite epitaxial growth is about 100%(Fig.7).According to the microstructure of the single multi-layer as-deposited sample,it is known that the dendrites are planar crystals and columnar crystals along the deposited direction at the bottom and middle of the deposited zone.There are equiaxed crystals at the top(Fig.8).Moreover,theγ′particles in dendrite epitaxial region of deposition zone unevenly distribute in theγmatrix and the size ofγ′particles in the inter-dendrite is much bigger than that in the core-dendrite(Fig.9(c)).In addition,short rod-like MC carbides with high Ta content are distributed in the inter-dendritic region at the bottom of the deposition zone(Fig.12(c)).Small blocks and octahedral MC carbides are randomly distributed at the top(Fig.12(e)).This is because the heat accumulation at the bottom of the deposition zone is serious and the top of deposition zone is relatively weak.Through the analysis of the microhardness of deposition zone,it is concluded that the average microhardness of the deposition zone is 449 HV_(0.5),which is slightly higher than that of the substrate 425 HV_(0.5)(Fig.13).Moreover,the microhardness of the different deposition zone is slightly different.The microhardness at the bottom of the deposition zone is higher than that at the middle and top due to the higher content of Ta in MC carbides(Tab.3).Conclusions The DD5 SX alloys are repaired by laser deposition technology using the DZ125 superalloy powder.The specific conclusions are as follows:(1)The influence of laser powder and powder-feeding rate on the ratio of dendrite epitaxial growth is remarkable and an decrease in the heat input and powder-feeding rate can effectively increase the ratio of dendrite epitaxial growth.When the laser power is 420 W,the scanning speed is 6 mm·s−1 and the powder-feeding rate is 1.5 g·min−1,the ratio of dendrite epitaxial growth is about 100%.(2)The dendrites are planar crystals and columnar crystals along the deposited direction at the bottom and middle of the single multi-layer deposition zone.There are equiaxed crystals at the top.In addition,the size ofγ′particles in the inter-dendrite is much bigger than that in the core-dendrite due to the higher content of elements of Al and Ta in the inter-dendritic.(3)Affected by the high temperature of the molten pool,the carbides in the heat affected zone can dissolve inγmatrix,which reduces the carbides size.The carbides are distributed in the inter-dendritic region at the bottom and middle of deposition zone,while the carbides are randomly distributed at the top.Due to the heat accumulation,the shape of the carbides at the bottom and middle of deposition zone are mostly short rod-like.Compared with the bottom and middle of the deposition zone,the heat accumulation at the top is weak,which induces the formation of small blocks and octahedral carbides.(4)The average microhardness of the deposition zone is slightly higher than that of the substrate.Compared with the middle of the deposition zone,the microhardness at the bottom and top is slightly higher,and the microhardness at the bottom is the highest.
Bian Hongyou;Xu Xiaowen;Liu Weijun;Wang Wei;Xing Fei;Wang Huiru(School of Mechanical Engineering,Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang 110870,China)
Infrared and Laser Engineering
DZ125 high-temperature superalloy
DD5 single crystal alloy
laser deposition repaired
dendrite epitaxial growth