目的 探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)流行期间甘肃省居民焦虑状况及相关影响因素。方法 研究被试来自2021年11月正处于新冠疫情当中的甘肃省,采取自愿填写的方式开展线上问卷调查,共收集问卷4603份,有效问卷4300份。调查问卷内容包括人口学信息、广泛焦虑量表以及情绪调节方式倾向调查。结果 新冠肺炎流行期间甘肃省的调查对象焦虑量表的均分为11.13(4.17%),其中被调查者中最困扰的问题与工作相关,占所有问题的33.2%。焦虑程度存在性别差异,女性的焦虑程度高于男性(P<0.001);焦虑程度存在学历差异,本科及以上学历的被试焦虑程度明显的高于本科以下学历的被试(P<0.001);居住在农村的被试焦虑程度高于城市;情绪调节方式不存在明显的性别差异,男性和女性最多采取的情绪调节方式均为倾诉沟通和积极调整心态。结论 新冠疫情期间甘肃省居民存在普遍的焦虑情绪,其中,约1/3的被调查者最焦虑的问题是工作相关的问题。女性、高学历、农村居民表现出更高的焦虑程度。因此,应针对性地对不同个体进行干预,并应根据现居住地的不同类型提供更有效的生活帮助。
Objective To explore anxiety status and related influencing factors of residents in Gansu during epidemic of Covid-19.Methods The paper carried on online questionnaires voluntarily in Gansu Province in November 2021,which was in the midst of COVID-19,collected a total of 4603 questionnaires,of which 4300 were valid,with questionnaire content of demography information,extensive anxiety scale and the tendency of emotion regulation.Results During epidemic of Covid-19,average scores of anxiety scale of respondents in Gansu was 11.13(4.17%),of which the most troublesome problem was work-related,accounting for 33.2%.There was gender difference in anxiety level,female having higher anxiety level than male,(P<0.001).There was educational difference in anxiety levels,participants with bachelor's degree or above having significantly higher levels of anxiety than those with bachelor's degree or below(P<0.001).Anxiety level of participants living in rural areas was higher than cities,there was no significant gender difference in emotional regulation methods,most commonly used emotional regulation methods for male and female were open communication and positive attitude adjustment.Conclusion During the COVID-19 in Gansu,there was widespread anxiety among residents,of which about 1/3 of them were most anxious about work-related problems.Women,highly educated and rural residents showed higher levels of anxiety.Therefore,it is necessary to carry on targeted interventions for different individuals and provide more effective life assistance based on different types of current residence.
CHEN Qiongqiong;WANG Tao;WU Lin;HE Ruifang;LIU Lu;ZHANG Jingqian(Gansu The Second People's Hospital/Northwest University for Nationalities Affiliated Hospital/Gansu Mental Health Center,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000)
Smart Healthcare