
以共享促协同:我国竞技体育成果全民共享的价值意蕴、现实困境与推进策略 被引量:3

Promoting Synergy through Sharing:Value Implications,Realistic Dilemmas and Promotion Strategies of Sharing Achievements of Competitive Sports for All in China
摘要 《关于构建更高水平的全民健身公共服务体系的意见》首次提出推动更多竞技体育成果全民共享的重要发展理念,旨在以竞技体育成果全民共享促进竞技体育与全民健身协同发展。为更好地推动这一理念的贯彻执行,研究立足于体育强国与健康中国建设的战略高度,试图厘清我国竞技体育成果全民共享的概念内涵,阐明其价值意蕴,并对其现实困境进行解析,进而提出相应的推进策略。竞技体育成果全民共享能够在个体层面助力大众体育参与和运动员自身发展,在社会层面促成共建共治共享的竞技体育发展格局,在国家层面推动竞技体育与全民健身全面协同发展。当前,我国竞技体育成果全民共享尚存在共享成果基础与积淀薄弱影响共享质量、共享方式与渠道单一抑制共享效率、共享不平衡不充分阻碍共享公平、共享顶层设计不完善弱化共享动力等现实困境。对此,从基础夯实、技术加持、理念先导、制度支撑的角度,提出加速成果高质量创造转化共享、推动数字技术赋能成果共享、重视成果共享差距弥补与理念完善、强化成果共享制度建设的推进策略。 The promulgation of“Opinions on Building a Higher Level of Public Service System for National Fitness”put forward for the first time the important development concept of promoting more achievements of competitive sports for all,aiming to promote the synergistic development of competitive sports and national fitness by sharing the achievements of competitive sports for all.In order to better promote the implementation of this concept,the paper clarifies the connotation of the concept of sharing the fruits of competitive sports for all,clarifies its value implications,and analyzes its practical dilemmas,and proposes strategies to promote it based on the strategic level of building a strong sports nation and a healthy China.The research concludes that sharing the achievements of competitive sports for all can facilitate the participation of the public and the development of athletes themselves at the individual level,contribute to the development pattern of competitive sports at the social level,and promote the comprehensive and coordinated development of competitive sports and national fitness at the national level.At present,the sharing of the results of competitive sports for all people in China is still in the real dilemma of weak foundation and accumulation of shared results reducing the quality of sharing,single sharing method and channel inhibiting the efficiency of sharing,unbalanced and insufficient sharing impeding the fairness of sharing,and imperfect top-level design weakening the motivation of sharing.In this regard,from the perspectives of foundation consolidation,technology support,concept precedence and system support,the promotion strategies of accelerating high-quality creation and transformation of results sharing,promoting digital technology to empower results sharing,paying attention to gap bridging and concept improvement of results sharing,and strengthening system construction of results sharing are proposed.
作者 贺凤凯 王文龙 崔佳琦 张佑印 HE Fengkai;WANG Wenlong;CUI Jiaqi;ZHANG Youyin(Sports Dept.,Central China Normal Univ.,Hubei 430070,China;Sports Dept.,Northeast Normal Univ.,Jilin 130024,China;Dept.of Sport,Leisure and Tourism,Beijing Sports Univ.,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《体育教育学刊》 2023年第3期79-87,F0003,共10页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目(20FTYB002) 教育部人文社会科学基金项目(19YJC890028) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(2021TD009)。
关键词 竞技体育成果 全民共享 全民健身公共服务体系 竞技体育 全民健身 achievements of competitive sports sharing for all public service system of national fitness competitive sports national fitness
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