4La Font de Saint Yenne and Ch.-E.Briseux.Examen d'un Essal sur I'architecture,Paris(1754)p47.quoted in Emil Kaufmann “Die Archiekturtheorie d.franzoesischen klassik et.”Repertorium fuer Kunstwissenschaft.XLIV(1924).p.212.
5Karl Boetticher,Die Tektonik der Hellenen.Potsdam(1852).
6Gottfried Semper.Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen Kuensten,Brunswick(1861).Munich(1863):2nd edition Munich(1879).
7According to Vernon Lee(Beauty and Ugliness etc.London(1912)p.20)the transiation of “Einfuehlung”as empathy is due to Edward Titchener who used it in his Psychology of Thought Processes.London(1909)six years after the first volume of ‘Theodor Lipps'Aesthetik had appeared.
9Geoffrey Scott.The Architecture of Humanism,2nd ed.London (1924).p.213.The author refers to W?ifflin in his preface and to Lipps in a footnote on p.213.For a discussion of Scott's relation to Lippsian Theory see Reyner Banham.Theory and Design in the First Machine Age.London(1960).p.67.
10Abstraction and Empathy.Worringer's dissertation was published as a book in 1908.an English translation by M.bullock was published in New York in 1953.