

Sharing-Labor Issues from the Perspective of Digital Economy
摘要 党的二十大报告明确指出,中国式现代化是共同富裕的现代化,预示着人民共享共富问题日益成为我国的重要任务,数字经济与数字化劳动问题自然成为推进共享共富的重点领域。当前,劳动概念因数字化特征而被延伸,但其本质上并未超越马克思所讨论的劳动范畴。数字化促进了生产效率提高,催生数字经济发展新业态,同时也带来结构性失业锐化、确权与共享共富界限虚化、冲击实体经济等现实问题。为此,必须建构贯通城乡的数字化就业格局,打造一、二、三次分配协调的数字化劳动共享特色,完善数字化劳动共享的产权制度保障,统筹数字化经济与实体经济共生的产业形态等,实现劳动全过程共享,破解数字经济发展中的难题,扎实推进共同富裕的实现。 The report of the 20th CPC National Congress clearly pointed out that Chinese-style moderniza⁃tion is characterized by common prosperity,and the issue of sharing common prosperity by all people has in⁃creasingly become a major practical task for China for now,and the issue of digital economy and digital labor sharing is naturally the focus area for promoting major tasks.At present,the concept of labor is extended by the new characteristics of digitalization,but it is still labor in essence.New forms of labor have promoted the improvement of production efficiency and given birth to new formats for the development of the digital economy.In the process of development,the new economic format also brings practical problems such as the sharpening of structural unemployment,the blurring of the boundary between power confirmation and shared wealth,and the impact on the development of the real economy.In order to solve the dilemma of the develop⁃ment of the digital economy and realize the sharing of the whole process of labor,it is necessary to take mul⁃tiple measures at the same time through expanding employment channels,coordinating the three distribu⁃tions,improving the property rights system,promoting the coordinated development of industries and build⁃ing a unified national market,in order to solve the sharing problems that arise in the development of the dig⁃ital economy and remove institutional obstacles to achieve common prosperity.
作者 韩博文 卢杨铃 徐俊峰 HAN Bo-wen;LU Yang-ling;XU Jun-feng(School of Marxism,Shanghai University of Political Science and Law,201701,Shanghai,China)
出处 《特区经济》 2023年第5期81-84,共4页 Special Zone Economy
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国特色社会主义基本经济制度体系研究”的中期成果(20ZDA015)。
关键词 数字经济 数字化劳动 劳动全过程共享 共同富裕 Digital Economy Digital Labor Sharing-Labor Throughout the Process Common Prosperity
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