
基于聚类分析法的二次供水错峰调蓄研究 被引量:1

Study on Peak Staggered Storage of Secondary Water Supply Based on Cluster Analysis
摘要 针对城镇供水的二次供水水资源利用效率低下的问题,提出基于用户角度的需水侧管理模式(DSM),从用户需求侧管理方面入手,以管网末端二次供水系统中的低位水箱为例,采用自适应FCM聚类分析和灰色关联度分析的数学模型分析法,针对不同类型小区,分析用户用水特征,进行调蓄潜力的挖掘与错峰方案的研究,最终确定合适的错峰方案,从而以需求侧管理的用水模式实现良好的错峰。 With the development of urbanization in China,secondary water supply has become a key part of urban wa-ter supply,but the utilization efficiency of water resources is low.This paper proposes the Demand Side Management(DSM)model based on the user's perspective.Starting from the user's Demand Side Management,the low water tank in the secondary water supply system at the end of the pipe network is taken as the research object.Using adaptive FCM clustering analysis and grey relational analysis,the paper analyzes the characteristics of user water use in different types of small areas,excavates the potential of regulation and storage and studies the peak-shifting scheme,and determines the appropriate peak-shifting scheme,so as to achieve good peak-shifting by demand-side management.
作者 王晴怡 王彤 康炳卿 李钟毓 许德伦 赵红斌 洪磊 刘嘉祥 WANG Qing-yi;WANG Tong;KANG Bing-qing;LI Zhong-yu;XU De-lun;ZHAO Hong-bin;HONG Lei;LIU Jia-xiang(School of Civil Engineering,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710061,China;Key Laboratory of Water Supply and Drainage,Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710061,China)
出处 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2023年第6期94-97,共4页 Water Resources and Power
基金 水资源高效开发利用重点专项(2018YFC0406200)。
关键词 二次供水 低位水箱 用水特征 自适应FCM聚类分析 灰色关联度分析法 secondary water supply low water tank water use characteristics adaptive FCM clustering analysis grey correlation analysis method
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