

Research on the Protection of Parties Involved in Cases of Academic Misconducts in the United States
摘要 从世界范围来看,美国学术不端处理对牵涉对象的保护已达到了一个相对成熟的阶段,对于举报者、被举报者、证人和调查委员会成员的保护有着一套相对完备的制度体系。分析发现,美国大学在学术不端处理过程中对不同牵涉对象的保护方面呈现出保护主体覆盖全面多元、保护内容兼顾个性与共性,保护措施凸显平衡与统一等特点。美国在处理学术不端时对牵涉对象的处理经验启示我们:我国大学在学术不端处理时,在体现我国法治特色的同时,应扩大学术不端处理过程中保护人群的类型;应根据各类人群特点及其实际需求精准增加保护内容;应依据实际需求统筹制定保护措施:保护善意举报,严惩恶意举报;加强举报人的知情权保护,限制被举报者的知情权范围,严惩泄密行为;完善学术不端相关惩戒机制,丰富学术不端权利救济制度。 From a global perspective,the protection of relevant personnel in academic misconduct governance in the United States has reached a relatively mature stage,and there a relatively complete system for complainant,respondent,witnesses and members of the investigation committee.It is found that American universities show their characteristics of the protection for different relative protectors in the process of dealing with academic misconduct that the protectors are comprehensive and diversified,the protection content lays emphasis on individuality and commonness,and the protection measures highlight balance and unity.It is suggested that Chinese colleges and universities should expand the types of people protected during the treatment of academic misconduct while reflecting the characteristics of Chinese rule of law.The protection content should be added precisely according to the characteristics and actual needs of all kinds of people;According to the actual needs,protection measures should be formulated as a whole according to the actual needs:to protect good-faith reporting and severely punish malicious reporting;Strengthen the complainant's protection of right to know,limit the scope of the respondent's right to know,severely punish the behavior of leaking information;prefect the disciplinary mechanism of academic misconduct and enrich the remedy system of academic misconduct rights.
作者 段俊霞 熊谦 DUAN Junxia;XIONG Qian(School of Marxism,Hanshan Normal Colleg,Chaozhou 521000,China;School of Marxism,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,China)
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2023年第4期79-88,共10页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
基金 全国教育科学规划国家一般项目“地方高校二级学院治理体制改革的理论逻辑与实践路径”(BIA210155) 四川省高等教育人才培养质量和教学改革重点项目“‘双一流’视域下能源行业高校‘三三’制培养‘三能’人才的改革与实践”(JG2021-531)。
关键词 学术不端 相关人员 学术保护 权利 academic misconduct related people scholar protection rights
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