

School-based,Teacher-based and Student-based:Keys to Constructing a Community of Developmental Supervision and Evaluation
摘要 发展性督导评估共同体建设是新时期推动教育高质量发展的重要途径之一,需要从学校、教师、学生三个方向开展共同体建构。要聚焦“发展性”,以校本为着力点设立共同体目标框架,把学校自主发展作为前提基础、补齐发展短板作为建设方向、高质量发展作为建设路径。要聚焦“职业化”,以师本为切入点推进共同体实践优化,在督导评价中系统体现教师阶段性职业特色,助力教师丰富知识结构以满足未来职业需求,提升教师理论向实践转化的职业能力。要聚焦“成长性”,以生本为提升点强化共同体运行成效,强调个性尊重、系统发展、长效提升,为学生发展而督导评价,以发展性督导评价共同体打造有力促进每一个学生成长、关心学生每一面成长、助力学生每一次成长。要聚焦“融合性”,坚持“校本、师本、生本”三位一体,营造良好生态,以主体融合促进共治,以规则契合实现共生,以成果结合谋求共赢。 It is an important approach to establish a community of developmental supervision and evaluation for pushing high-quality development of education.This requires the joint efforts of schools,teachers and students.By putting focus on the development,we establish a target framework of the community with the schools as the rallying point,and then take the independent development of schools as the premise,take the development of weak areas as the construction direction,and take the high-quality development as the construction path.By putting focus on the professionalization,we optimize the practice of community with teachers as the entry point,and then present teachers’phased occupational features in a systematic way in the supervision and evaluation,help teachers enrich their knowledge structure to meet their needs of future careers,and improve teachers’professional ability of transforming theory into practice.By putting focus on growth,we strengthen the operational effectiveness of the community with students as the lifting point,and then emphasize the respect for personality,the systematic development and the long-term improvement,conduct supervision and evaluation for students’development,and promote the growth of every student,care about every side of students’growth and help students grow every time through the developmental supervision and evaluation.And by putting focus on integration,we create a good ecology by adhering to the school-based,teacher-based and student-based trinity,and then promote the co-governance through the integration of subjects,achieve the co-existence through the fit of rules,and seek a win-win situation through the combination of results.
作者 宁俊康 NING Jun-kang(Committee of Communist Youth League,Southeast University)
机构地区 东南大学团委
出处 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2023年第16期24-29,共6页 Theory and Practice of Education
基金 2022年东南大学思政研究专项课题中国高等教育学会专项委托课题“伟大抗疫精神融入公共卫生专业大学生思政教育路径研究”(课题编号:21ZXWT-04)的研究成果。
关键词 教育督导 发展性督导评估 督导评估共同体 校本 师本 生本 发展性 职业化 成长性 融合性 educational supervision developmental supervision and evaluation the community of developmental supervision and evaluation school-based teacher-based student-based development professionalization growth integration
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