结合天然白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)灌丛接种培育锁阳药材,通过滴灌、渗灌、喷灌方式对白刺灌丛进行不同方式和不同灌溉量的试验,结果表明:随着灌溉量的增加,白刺林地土壤含水率提高显著,灌溉对提高白刺植被生长恢复效果明显。无灌溉白刺灌丛当年生枝条平均生长量为4 cm,灌丛内当年生枝叶生物量平均为0.109 kg;滴灌灌溉白刺灌丛当年生枝条平均生长量为14 cm,灌丛内当年生枝叶生物量平均为0.382 kg;喷灌灌溉白刺灌丛当年生枝条平均生长量为16 cm,灌丛内当年生枝叶生物量平均为0.845 kg;渗灌方法可使灌溉水分充分下渗到植物根系层土壤中,灌溉完成后地表0~<20 cm厚度范围内土壤水分含量在3%以下,与地表滴灌和喷灌相比较,较大地减少了地表水分蒸发损失。3种灌溉方式都能明显提高0~<60 cm深度范围内的土壤水分含量,灌水入渗深度渗灌>滴灌>喷灌。灌溉后土壤表层土壤含水率差异较大,滴灌和喷灌方式的0~<20 cm深度的土壤含水率较大,渗灌方式0~<20 cm深度的土壤含水率较小。因此,渗灌方式灌溉白刺灌丛地表蒸发较小,灌溉水的利用率较高。
Combined with the experiment of cynomorium songaricum inoculationed on the natural Nitraria tangutorum shrub,the experiment of different irrigation methods and different irrigation amounts was carried out on the Nitraria tangutorum shrub through drip irrigation,infiltration irrigation and sprinkler irrigation.The results showed that with the increase of irrigation amount,the soil moisture content of Nitraria tangutorum forest land increased significantly,and the effect of irrigation on improving the growth and recovery of Nitraria tangutorum vegetation was obvious.The average growth of the current year’s branches without irrigation was 4 cm,and the average biomass of the current year’s branches and leaves in the shrub was 0.109 kg;the average growth of the current year’s branches and leaves was 14 cm under drip irrigation,and the average biomass of the current year’s branches and leaves in the shrub was 0.382 kg;the average growth of the current year’s branches and leaves in the shrub was 16 cm under sprinkler irrigation,and the average biomass of the current year’s branches and leaves in the shrub was 0.845 kg;the infiltration irrigation method could make the irrigation water fully seep into the soil of the plant root layer.After the irrigation,the soil moisture content in the range of 0-<20 cm thickness was less than 3%.Compared with the surface drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation,the evaporation loss of surface water was greatly reduced.The three irrigation methods could significantly increase the soil water content in 0-<60 cm depth,and the depth of irrigation infiltration was infiltration irrigation>drip irrigation>sprinkler irrigation.After irrigation,the soil moisture content of the surface soil varied greatly.The soil moisture content of 0-<20 cm depth under drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation ware larger,while the soil moisture content of 0-<20 cm depth under infiltration irrigation was smaller.Therefore,the infiltration irrigation method irrigates the Nitraria tangutorum shrub with less surface evaporation and higher utilization rate of irrigation water.
Li Xuejiao;Li Aide;Liu Xiaoping;Xu Xianying;Liu Kebiao(Gansu Desert Control Research Institute,Lanzhou 730070,China;Gansu Hexi Corridor Forest Ecosystem National Research Station,Wuwei 733000,China)
Protection Forest Science and Technology
Nitraria tangutorum
vegetation restoration