

Influence analysis of main flood passage width on water level in river barrier clearing scheme
摘要 本文采用河道一维水力计算软件V1.0,以绕阳河下游盘山县段为研究对象,通过对地形图处理及选取合适的参数,分别对不同行洪宽度工况下的水位进行计算分析,综合对比分析后确定了绕阳河不同分段清障的行洪通道宽度,从而确定合理的清障范围,可为同类型大中型河流清障提供决策依据和技术参考。 In this paper,one-dimensional channel hydraulic calculation software V1.0 is adopted,and the Panshan County section of the lower reaches of the Raoyanghe River is taken as the research object.By processing topographic maps and selecting appropriate parameters,the water level under different flood flow width conditions is calculated and analyzed respectively.After comprehensive comparative analysis,the flood passage widths of different sections of the Raoyanghe River are determined,so as to determine a reasonable obstacle clearance range.It can provide decision-making basis and technical reference for the same type of large and medium-sized river clearing.
作者 刘丽 LIU Li
出处 《东北水利水电》 2023年第7期10-12,56,71,共5页 Water Resources & Hydropower of Northeast China
关键词 河道清障 行洪通道 套堤 绕阳河 river barrier clearance flood passage embankment Raoyanghe River
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