通过分析数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)方法的原理与营养干预项目管理的内在关联,探讨DEA在营养干预经济学评价中的应用。将营养干预经济学评价分为事前评估和事后评价,从模型选择、指标选取和不可控因素的处理等方面探讨在营养干预经济学评价中应用DEA的方法路径和注意事项;重点阐述营养干预项目投入和产出的特殊性及其在DEA模型中的处理方法,针对不同评价环境选择恰当的模型类型或组合,通过将比率型指标转化为数量型指标来满足模型指标可叠加性的要求,将不可控因素通过高低排序转化为分类变量并将其作为模型的约束条件。将DEA应用于营养干预经济学评价中,在现有研究效果、效用、效益基础上拓宽分析维度,从效率评价出发,可以有效弥补传统评价方法无法量化综合效益的缺陷,为构建营养干预方案提供依据,为营养干预经济学评估提供参考。
The application of Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)in the evaluation of the economics of nutrition intervention is explored by analyzing the methodological principles of DEA and the intrinsic relevance of the management of nutrition intervention projects.The evaluation of nutrition intervention economics is divided into ex-ante and ex-post evaluation,the methodological path and considerations of applying DEA in the evaluation of nutrition intervention economics are explored from three aspects:model selection,indicator selection and the treatment of uncontrollable factors.The special characteristics of the inputs and outputs of nutrition intervention projects and their treatment in DEA models are focused on.The appropriate model types or combinations for different evaluation environments are selected.The model is designed to meet the constraints of the model by converting ratio-based indicators into quantitative indicators,and by converting uncontrollable factors into categorical variables through high and low ranking.The application of DEA to the evaluation of nutrition intervention economics broadens the dimensions of analysis based on the effectiveness,utility and efficiency of existing studies.From the evaluation of efficiency,it can effectively compensate for the shortcomings of traditional evaluation methods that cannot quantify the comprehensive benefits,provide a basis for the construction of nutrition intervention programs and reference for the evaluation of nutrition intervention economics.
LI Xiaqing;XU Haiquan(Institute of Food and Nutrition Development,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100089,China)
Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
Data Envelopment Analysis
nutrition intervention
comprehensive benefits
economic evaluation