
分工视角下交易效率对农村产业融合发展的影响 被引量:5

The effects of transaction efficiency on the integration and development of rural industries under the perspective of labor division
摘要 促进农村产业融合发展是实施乡村振兴战略的客观要求。分工是产业融合发展的前提和基础,产业融合发展的出现又必然形成新的分工,分工和产业融合发展相互渗透。研究分工问题要到交易活动中寻求答案。在揭示分工、交易效率影响农村产业融合发展内在机理的前提下,基于分工视角构建农村产业融合发展水平评价体系,运用熵值法测算31个省区市(不包括港澳台地区)2006—2018年的农村产业融合发展水平。测算结果表明,中国农村产业融合发展水平正从低水平起步阶段迈向加速发展阶段,分地区的整体农村产业融合发展水平呈现明显的“东高西低”区域格局,而增长速度呈现“中西部高于东部”的区域格局。对2006—2018年的中国农村交易效率进行测度显示,中国农村交易效率总体发展水平有了一定提升,但改进空间仍然很大。在农村产业融合发展水平和农村交易效率测度结果的基础上,使用Hansen门槛回归模型实证检验交易效率对农村产业融合发展水平影响,从回归结果来看,普通面板固定效应下农村交易效率显著提升了农村产业融合发展水平,农村交易效率每提高1单位,会引起农村产业融合发展水平增加0.1419单位。而门槛效应结果显示,当农村交易效率较低(即低于或等于0.5379)时,农村交易效率的提高对农村产业融合发展水平有抑制作用,当农村交易效率越过门槛值达到较高水平(即高于0.5379)时,农村交易效率的提高对农村产业融合发展水平有显著促进作用;农村交易效率对中国农村产业融合发展水平具有“U”型式的影响。但是,中国农村交易效率尚未越过“U”型门槛值,进一步提升农村交易效率短期内可能会制约农村产业融合发展,但从长期来看,提升农村交易效率、加大中央对地方政府的财政支持力度仍是未来较长时期内提高农村产业融合发展水平的关键举措。根据研究结论,从“持续提升农村交易效率、不断加大财税金融支农力度、有序推进市场体系一体化建设”等方面提出政策建议。研究对于如何改善农村交易效率,进而全面提升农村产业融合发展水平,推进乡村振兴战略具有重要参考意义。 Promoting the integration and development of rural industries is the objective requirement to realize the rural revitalization.Division of labor is the premise and foundation of industrial integration and development.The emergence of industrial integration and development will inevitably lead to a new form of labor division.There is mutual penetration between division of labor and industrial integration and development.We studied transaction activities in search of answers for labor division problems.Under the premise of revealing the internal mechanism of the effects of labor division and transaction efficiency on the integration and development of rural industries,we constructed an evaluation system based on labor division theories,which is used to measure and analyze the level of integration and development of rural industries in 31 provinces and cities(excluding Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan)from 2006 to 2018.The results suggest that China’s integration and development of rural industries is moving from a low-level starting stage to an accelerated development stage.We measured China’s rural transaction efficiency during 2006 to 2018.The results show that the overall development level of transaction efficiency in China’s rural areas has improved,but there is a lot of room for improvement.On the basis of measuring the level of integration and development of rural industries and rural transaction efficiency,we empirically tested the impact of transaction efficiency on the level of the integration and development of rural industries using Hansen threshold regression model.The results suggest that rural transaction efficiency significantly improves the level of the integration and development of rural industries,and a unit increase in rural transaction efficiency leads to a 0.1419 unit increase of the level of the integration and development of rural industries.The threshold effect results show that when the rural transaction efficiency is low(i.e.,less than or equal to 0.5379),the improvement of rural transaction efficiency has an inhibitory effect on the level of the integration and development of rural industries,and when rural transaction efficiency reaches a higher level(i.e.,above 0.5379),the improvement of rural transaction efficiency has a significant positive effect on the level of the integration and development of rural industries.In general,rural transaction efficiency has a“U”shape effect on the level of the integration and development of rural industries.However,China’s rural transaction efficiency has not yet crossed the“U”threshold.In the short term,the increase of rural transaction efficiency may restrict the integration and development of rural industries,but in the long run,improving the efficiency of rural transactions and increasing the central government’s financial support to local governments are still the key measures to promote the integration and development of rural industries in the future.According to the conclusion of the study,the following policy suggestions are put forward:continuously improving the efficiency of rural transactions,increasing the intensity of fiscal and taxation support to farmers,and promoting the integrated construction of the market system in an orderly manner.This study can be used for reference on how to improve the efficiency of rural transactions,and promote the integration and development of rural industries,which is of great significance for promoting rural revitalization.
作者 熊磊 文泽宙 肖俊夫 XIONG Lei;WEN Zezhou;XIAO Junfu(School of Business,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 411201,P.R.China;Finance and Accounting R&D Center,Chongqing University of Technology,Chongqing 400054,P.R.China;School of Economics,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,P.R.China;School of Economics and Business Administration,Chongqing University,Chongqing,400044,P.R.China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期61-76,共16页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“新型农业经营主体与小农户协同发展机理及对策研究”(20CJY040)。
关键词 农村产业融合发展 分工演化 交易效率 新型农业经营主体 农户 门槛效应 the integration and development of rural industries labor division evolution theories transaction efficiency new type of agricultural business entities farmers threshold effect
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