

Strive to be a Good Youth in the New Era
摘要 “坚定不移听党话、跟党走,怀抱梦想又脚踏实地,敢想敢为又善作善成”,是习近平总书记在党的二十大报告中对广大青年的殷殷嘱托。新时代的青年要坚定理想信念、强化责任担当意识、练就过硬本领、矢志艰苦奋斗,这是成为德智体美劳全面发展的时代新人的基本要求,是对激励代代青年奋勇前行的五四精神的继承与弘扬,是对习近平关于青年成长成才重要论述的贯彻与落实,也是对新时代创造新的伟业要汇聚青春力量的积极回应。我们要加强党对青年的引领和服务,构建知行合一的教育机制,营造风清气正的教育环境,提高青年自我管理的本领,帮助青年认清自己的责任和使命,使他们努力成为堪当民族复兴重任的新时代好青年,把人生最宝贵的年华和有限的青春投入到为人民服务当中去,成为推动民族复兴的坚强奋斗者。 “Unswervingly listen to the party,and go with the party,with the dream in the heart while being firmly grounded.Dare to think and try new things with fruits and achievements.”This is general secretary Xi Jinping’s ardent exhortation to the majority of young people in the report of the party’s 20 th national congress.Young people in the new era should strengthen their ideals and beliefs,strengthen their sense of responsibility,develop their skill and ability,and be determined to work hard.This is the basic requirement for becoming a new person in the era with all-round development in morality,intelligence,physical fitness,aesthetics,and labor education.It is the inheritance and promotion of the May Fourth Spirit that inspires young people from generation to generation to forge ahead,and the implementation of Xi Jinping’s important statement on the growth and development of young people.It is also a positive response to the need of gathering youth power to create new undertakings in the new era.We should strengthen the party’s guidance and service to young people,build an educational mechanism that integrates the knowledge and action,and create an educational environment that is clean and upright.We should improve young people’s self-management skills,help young people recognize their responsibility and mission,encourage them to become good young people in the new era worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation,devote their most precious years and limited youth to serving the people,and become the strong fighter for the national rejuvenation.
作者 曹便 贾月 Cao Bian;Jia Yue(Henan Provincial Party School of CPC,Zhengzhou City,Henan Province,450018)
出处 《黄河科技学院学报》 2023年第7期49-53,78,共6页 Journal of Huanghe S&T College
关键词 新时代 好青年 价值意蕴 实现路径 new era good young people value implication implementation path
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