
基于时效性激励理论指导的阶梯式护理对急性心肌梗死行PCI术后患者的影响 被引量:5

Effect of stepped nursing guided by timeliness incentive theory on patients undergoing PCI after acute myocardial infarction
摘要 目的探讨基于时效性激励理论指导的阶梯式护理对急性心肌梗死(AMI)行经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术后患者的影响。方法选择2021年7月—2022年9月医院收治的AMI行PCI患者104例为研究对象,按照组间基本特征具有可比性的原则分成观察组和对照组,每组52例。对照组给予常规护理,观察组给予基于时效性激励理论指导的阶梯式护理措施。比较两组患者干预前后Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)评分、应对方式评分、左室射血分数(LVEF)水平、生活质量核心量表(QOL)和明尼苏达心力衰竭生活质量问卷(MLHFQ)评分、不良反应发生率和护理满意度。结果护理干预前,两组患者SAS、SDS、QOL、MLHFQ、应对方式评分和LVEF水平的比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);护理干预1周后,两组SAS、SDS评分均较前下降,但观察组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组的面对评分较前升高,回避和屈服评分较前下降,但观察组面对评分高于对照组,回避和屈服评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组的LVEF水平和QOL评分较前升高,MLHFQ评分下降,但观察组LVEF水平和QOL评分高于对照组,MLHFQ评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者护理满意度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者总不良反应发生率低于对照组,但组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论基于时效性激励理论指导的阶梯式护理能改善AMI行PCI术后患者的负性情绪,使其以积极方式面对疾病,促进术后康复,提高生活质量和护理满意度。 Objective To study the effect of guided stepped nursing care on patients undergoing acute myocardial infarction(AMI)after percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI).Methods 104 AMI patients with PCI admitted to the hospital from July 2021 to September 2022 were selected as study subjects and divided into observation group and control group according to the principle of comparable basic characteristics between groups,with 52 cases in each group.The control group gave routine nursing,the observation group gave stepped nursing measures based on the guidance of timeliness incentive theory.The Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale(SAS)and Self-rating Depression Scale(SDS)scores,coping style scores,left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF)level,Quality of Life Core Scale(QOL)and Minnesota Heart Failure Quality of Life Questionnaire(MLHFQ)scores,incidence of adverse reactions,and satisfaction were compared before and after intervention between groups.Results Before the nursing intervention,Comparison of SAS,SADS,QOL,MLHFQ,coping style score and LVEF levels in the two groups,there was no significant difference(P>0.05).1 week after the nursing intervention,SAS and SDS scores decreased compared with the former,However,the observation group was lower than the control group,the difference were statistically significant(P<0.05).The two groups were higher than the former,lower avoidance and yield scores than previously,However,the observation group faced a higher score than the control group,The avoidance and yield scores were lower than those of the control group,the difference were statistically significant(P<0.05).LVEF levels and QOL scores were higher in the two groups,The decrease in the MLHFQ scores,However,the LVEF levels and QOL score were higher in the observation group than in the control group,The MLHFQ score was lower than that of the control group,the difference were statistically significant(P<0.05);The nursing satisfaction of the observation group was higher than that of the control group,the difference were statistically significant(P<0.05);The incidence of total adverse reactions in the observation group was lower than that in the control group,However,there was no significant difference between the groups(P>0.05).Conclusion The stepped nursing based on timeliness incentive theory can improve the negative mood of patients undergoing AMI after PCI,make them face the disease in a positive way,promote postoperative rehabilitation,and improve the quality of life and nursing satisfaction.
作者 李爱霞 张云 储红梅 LI Aixia;ZHANG Yun;CHU Hongmei(Haian People's Hospital,Haian,226600,China)
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2023年第13期1978-1983,共6页 Nursing Practice and Research
基金 南通市市级科技计划项目(编号:GJZ16067)。
关键词 急性心肌梗死 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 时效性激励 阶梯式护理 康复效果 不良反应 护理满意度 Acute myocardial infarction Percutaneous coronary intervention Timeliness incentive Stepped care Rehabilitation effect Adverse reactions Nursing satisfaction
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