
基于短基线双目内窥镜成像系统的3D视频标定与校正 被引量:1

Calibration and correction of 3D video based on short baseline binocular endoscope imaging system
摘要 为了解决短基线双目内窥成像系统获得的视频图像在裸眼3D显示设备中观看到的视频纵深感和立体感较弱的问题,通过分析双目内窥镜的参数以及立体视频中图像对的视差,提出了基于短基线双目内窥成像系统的立体视频校正和视差调整方法。首先,对采用的双目结构内窥系统进行相机标定,获取各相机参数和相机间的位置参数;其次,利用获得的参数进行相机视频校正,再针对裸眼3D显示设备对视频源的参数要求进行图像对的视差调整,最终获得符合裸眼3D立体显示设备要求并适合人眼观看的双目内窥系统实时显示立体视频。通过实验验证了方法的可行性,实际搭建了一套基线距离为8 mm的短基线双目内窥成像系统,原始视差范围(0,64)像素,经视差调整后达到(−30,30)像素,双路并行视频处理25帧/s并实时显示。与实验室设计的裸眼3D立体显示系统匹配,可实现具有明显立体感的医用内窥镜实时裸眼3D成像。 In order to solve the problem that the video depth and stereoscopic sense of the video obtained by the short baseline binocular endoscopic imaging system are weak in the naked eye 3D display device,by analyzing the parameters of the binocular endoscope and the parallax of the image pair in the stereoscopic video,a stereo video correction and parallax adjustment method based on the short baseline binocular endoscopic imaging system is proposed.Firstly,the camera of the binocular endoscope system is calibrated to obtain the camera parameters and the position parameters between cameras;Secondly,the camera video is corrected by using the obtained parameters,and then the image parallax is adjusted according to the parameter requirements of the naked eye 3D display device for the video source,so as to finally obtain the real-time display stereoscopic video of the binocular endoscope system which meets the requirements of the naked eye 3D stereoscopic display device and is suitable for human eyes.The feasibility of the method is verified by experiments.A short baseline binocular endoscope imaging system with a baseline distance of 8mm is actually built.The original parallax range is(0,64)pixels,which can reach(−30,30)after parallax adjustment.The two-way parallel video processing is 25 frames/s for realtime display.Matching with the naked eye 3D stereoscopic display system designed in the laboratory,real-time naked eye 3D imaging of medical endoscope with obvious stereoscopic feeling can be realized.
作者 张朝财 张薇 周德峰 韦晓孝 万新军 ZHANG Chaocai;ZHANG Wei;ZHOU Defeng;WEI Xiaoxiao;WAN Xinjun(School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China)
出处 《光学仪器》 2023年第3期30-36,共7页 Optical Instruments
基金 国家重点研发计划(2021YFB2802300)。
关键词 图像处理 双目视觉 立体视频 视频校正 image processing binocular vision stereo video video correction
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