

A Critical Analysis of Postmodernism from the Perspective of Marxism:Taking the Dispute between Eagleton and Rorty as the Starting Point
摘要 围绕后现代主义思想,伊格尔顿站在马克思主义立场上,主要从三个方面对罗蒂的新实用主义进行了哲学的与政治的批判。其一,作为后现代主义的美国版本,罗蒂的新实用主义哲学强烈反对形而上学、普遍性等带有本质主义色彩的范畴。伊格尔顿则批评罗蒂激进的认识论难以为诸多伦理、政治问题提供有力辩护,主张不应全面放弃基础与普遍性。其二,罗蒂的新实用主义认为资本主义制度的合理性无须诉诸形而上学的基础,未来的美国应着力塑造自己的共和国形象而非帝国形象。伊格尔顿批评前一路径因破坏了普遍合理性而危机四伏,而后一路径则已被资本主义发展的历史与现实所否定。其三,罗蒂张扬资产阶级自由主义文化、民族中心主义文化,反对社会主义文化、马克思主义文化。伊格尔顿批驳这一美国式的文化是唯意志论文化,集中展现了后现代主义的文化主义做派。上述批判富有洞察力,迄今仍有很强的理论意义与现实意义。对这些批判进行梳理,有益于认清新实用主义哲学服务于美国文明的意识形态真相,坚定马克思主义指导下的社会主义道路自信与文化自信。 Focusing on postmodernism,Eagleton criticizes Rorty s neo-pragmatism philosophically and politically from the standpoint of Marxism in the following three aspects.Firstly,as an American version of postmodernism,Rorty s neo-pragmatic philosophy strongly opposes such essentialism categories as metaphysics and universality.Eagleton criticizes Rorty s radical epistemology for not providing a strong defense for many ethical and political issues,and advocates that foundation and universality should not be completely abandoned.Secondly,Rorty s neo-pragmatism holds that the rationality of the capitalist system should not resort to the metaphysical foundation,and the future United States should focus on shaping its own image as a republic rather than an empire.Eagleton criticizes that the former path was in danger because it destroyed universal rationality,while the latter path has been denied by the history and reality of capitalist development.Thirdly,Rorty advocates bourgeois liberalism culture and ethnocentrism culture,and opposes socialist culture and Marxist culture.Eagleton refutes this American-style culture as a voluntarism culture,which concentrates on the post-modernism culturalism.The above criticism is insightful and still has strong theoretical and practical significance.Sorting out these criticisms is conducive to recognizing the ideological truth that neo-pragmatism philosophy serves American civilization and strengthening the road confidence and cultural confidence of socialism under the guidance of Marxism.
作者 王伟 Wang Wei
出处 《常州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期77-90,共14页 Journal of Changzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 福建社会科学院社会科学规划课题“新实用主义与中国当代阐释学建构研究”(FJSKY52231805)。
关键词 罗蒂 伊格尔顿 后现代主义 资本主义 社会主义 Rorty Eagleton postmodernism capitalism socialism
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