

Economist Wang Yanan
摘要 王亚南是湖北黄冈人,早年参加过大革命,革命失败后曾留学日本,研习政治经济学;参与过福建“中华共和国人民革命政府”的工作,事变流产后流亡英、德等国;抗战期间,在中山大学等多所大学任教,创办经济学方面的杂志;中华人民共和国成立后,历任清华大学、厦门大学教授,是中国现代著名的经济学家和教育家。王亚南翻译了诸如《国富论》《经济学及赋税之原理》《欧洲经济史》《资本论》等西方经典经济学著作,出版了《经济学史》《现代外交与国际关系》等系列政治经济学著作。王亚南在经济学翻译和研究方面的主要成就有:一是勾勒了一部完整的欧洲经济学发展史;二是提出从经济思想史研究和经济学思想入手,建立中国人自己的经济学;三是对旧中国社会经济病症和病因的分析,也足以成为有理有据的一家之言。 Wang Yanan was born in Huanggang,Hubei Province.He took part in the Great Revolution in his early years and studied political economy in Japan after the failure of the revolution.He participated in the work of the"People's Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China"and went into exile in Britain,Germany and other countries after the abortion of the incident.During the Anti-Japanese War,he taught in many universities including Sun Yat-sen University and founded magazines on economics.After the founding of the People's Republic of China,he has served successively as a professor at Tsinghua University and Xiamen University,and is a famous economist and educator in modern China.Wang Yanan translated classic western economic works such as The Wealth of Nations,On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation,European Economic History and Das Kapital,and published a series of political economy works such as History of Economics,Modern Diplomacy and International Relations.Wang Yanan's main achievements in economic translation and research are as follows:first,he outlines a complete history of the development of European economics;second,it is proposed to establish Chinese own economics starting from the study of the history of economic thought and economic ideas;third,the analysis of social and economic symptoms and causes of old China is also enough to be a well-grounded statement.
作者 罗福惠 LUO Fuhui(Institute of Modern Chinese History,Central China Normal University,Wuhan Hubei 430079)
出处 《湖北理工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2023年第4期33-41,52,共10页 Journal of Hubei Polytechnic University(Humanities And Social Sciences)
关键词 王亚南 西方经济发展史 中国当代经济学 Wang Yanan history of western economic development contemporary Chinese economics
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