The article sets out to show that women are critical players in peace building in Kenya,especially in times of political turmoil.Certainly,several African countries have experienced bouts of violence that are always caused by divergent political ideologies amongst its leadership.In most African countries where there is violence,male politicians are always seen as its key promoters;even though it remains an irony that it is women and children who bear the brunt.UNSCR 1325 affirms that peace and security efforts are sustainable when women are equal partners in the prevention of violent conflict and the forging of lasting peace.To control political violence reasonably,it is advisable to encourage the society to put more women political leaderships.In this,the article argues,it will promote good governance and good stewardship of our resources.Curiously,women have not been able to occupy key political positions in Kenya,and face a lot of male-engineered frustrations that are meant to discourage them from electoral politics.To this end,this article will examine the factors that hinder women from securing key positions in the governance of the country such as those of the president,the deputy president,the prime minister,speaker of the national assembly and of the senate,and so on.The article will also discuss how women can overcome the factors that hinder them from taking over political leaderships,and how they can use their skills to usher in peace and prosperity.The methodology will include critical analysis of the state of the nation,and attempt to deconstruct the status quo.