

The Positive and Negative Effects of Japanese Factors and the Subject Transcendence of Chinese New Poetry
摘要 中国新诗在每个时段的话语建构中,均有日本因素的介入、规约和影响,这种介入、规约和影响使中国新诗拥有令人企羡的“高起点”,而且在前行途中总能适时地遇见补充马力和营养的“加油站”,一路上个性尽显,即常以簇新、先锐的姿态出现,能在短时间内实现同世界诗歌潮流的接轨与融汇,宣显出喧腾纷繁的景观。然而,日本借镜对中国新诗也不乏负面效应,表现是中国新诗在吸收日本营养过程中功利性太强,浮躁气过重,常盲目“跟进”与仿效;“仰视”的接受态度和方式,遮蔽、扼制了主体意识,造成对日本因素一定程度的“误读”;过度倚重政治因素,常以感性压倒理性,以思想取代艺术。不过,因为有中国的民族精神、现实境况和艺术传统特质等因素压着阵脚,中国新诗在借鉴过程中总能保持独立个性与品格,对日本异质文化系统自觉消化,有所扬弃,以不同程度的“增殖”和“变异”,在“日化”的过程中实现了“化日”。这启示后来者新诗只有开放方可获得与全球诗歌对话的权利,但在开放过程中必须注意使异域的艺术经验中国化。 Japanese influences have played a significant role in the discourse construction of Chinese new poetry throughout different historical periods.The intervention,constraint and influence of Japanese elements not only give Chinese new poetry an enviable“high starting point”,but also provide timely“refueling stations”for supplementary power and nourishment along the way,allowing individuality to shine through.Because of this,Chinese new poetry often appears in a fresh and avant-garde manner,leading the trend of the times,aligning with the directions of popular and avant-garde poetic interests,and occasionally pioneering theoretical pathways for certain currents and tendencies.Concurrently,Chinese new poetry regards Japan as a“transit station”for receiving overseas literary and cultural influences.Through this process of artistic replenishment,Chinese new poetry has quickly aligned and assimilated with global poetic trends,vividly showcasing a bustling and diverse landscape in a clustered manner,thereby strengthening the prestige of new poetry.However,Japanese influences on Chinese new poetry also have negative effects.Specifically,in the process of absorbing Japanese nourishment,Chinese new poetry becomes too utilitarian and impetuous.Occasionally,Chinese new poetry blindly“follows”and emulates superficially compatible pathways without thoroughly and meticulously understanding the face and essence of the source.This“admiring”attitude and approach to Japanese literature has obscured and constrained the subject consciousness.Chinese new poetry invisibly elevates,magnifies,and even deifies certain aspects and individuals of Japanese literature,which prevents a thorough investigation of the shortcomings and may lead to a certain degree of“misreading”of Japanese influences.Excessive reliance on political factors promotes a wide integration of poetry with reality and life,but frequently overwhelms rationality with sentimentality,replaces art with ideology,restricts the growth of artistic expression and poet's individuality,weakens the diversity of voices and genres in the poetry circle,and falls into extreme fallacies,leading to a relative weakening or dilution of artistic standards.It is worth noting that Chinese new poetry,benefiting from factors such as the national spirit,realistic situation and artistic traditions,resists the temptation to mechanically replicate Japanese literary experiences.Instead,it adopts the theoretical spirit of“selective adoption”,making necessary choices,adaptations,rejections,and even“misinterpretations”of the diverse cultural system of Japanese literature based on its own needs.It maintains its independent individuality and nature.Through varying degrees of“proliferation”and“variation”,it moves towards innovative deviations and transcendence.Thus,in the process of“Japanization”,it achieves its own transformation and enlightenment,suggesting that new poetry in the future can gain the right to engage in a global poetic dialogue only through openness and drawing on the strengths of various sources.However,in this process of openness,it is essential to constantly enhance the digestive capacity and make foreign artistic experiences localized.
作者 罗振亚 Luo Zhenya
机构地区 南开大学文学院
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第4期23-32,189,190,共12页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“中国新诗建构与日本影响因素关联研究”(15BZW136)。
关键词 中国新诗 日本因素 正负效应 主体意识 艺术超越 Chinese new poetry Japanese factors Positive and negative effects Subject consciousness Artistic transcendence
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