

The Transformation of the Principal Social Contradictions in the New Era and the Expansion of Chinese-style Modernization
摘要 矛盾是社会发展的动力,现代化建设是在具体社会形态中进行的变革性实践。社会主要矛盾与现代化建设的内在关联体现了人类社会发展规律、社会主义建设规律、共产党执政规律的客观作用,社会主义现代化建设在解决社会主要矛盾中推动人类社会进步与人的自由全面发展。新时代社会主要矛盾转化在人民美好生活需求、不平衡不充分发展状况、社会主义初级阶段中的具体映现,为我国现代化建设提出了新挑战新要求。中国共产党领导人民在化解社会主要矛盾中,明晰发展目标、路径、原则、格局,使社会主义现代化建设的并联规划、协调自主、人民中心、合作共赢型特征进一步凸显,推动中国式现代化在纵向和横向上成功拓展并日益呈现出人类文明新形态特征。以生产方式创新性发展为核心的中国式现代化在解决社会主要矛盾上具有典型性,其追求生产力平衡充分发展与生产关系协同优化的科学路径,致力社会美好生活与人类美好世界同构的中国方案,诠释出中国式现代化就是人的现代化的内在本质,彰显了中国特色社会主义在现代化拓展中无可比拟的制度优势,肩负着21世纪科学社会主义运动的世界历史使命。 Contradictions are the driving force of social development,and modernization is a trans-formative practice carried out in a specific social form.The intrinsic correlation between the principal social contradictions and modernization reflects the objective role of the laws of human social develop-ment,socialist construction,and the governance of the Communist Party of China(CPC).Socialist modernization promotes the progress of human society and the free and comprehensive development of human beings in solving the principal contradictions of society.The transformation of the principal contradictions of society in the new era reflected in the people's ever-growing needs for a better life,the unbalanced and inadequate development and the primary stage of socialism poses new challenges and requirements for the modernization of China.In resolving the principal social contradictions,the CPC has led the people to clarify the goals,paths,principles and patterns of development,further highlighting the characteristics of joint planning,coordination and independence,people-centered phi-losophy,and win-win cooperation of socialist modernization,promoting the successful expansion of Chinese-style modernization both vertically and horizontally,and increasingly presenting the features of the new form of human civilization.Chinese-style modernization,with innovative development of production modes at its core,has typicality in resolving principal social contradictions.Its scientific path of pursuing the balanced and full development of productive forces and the synergistic optimiza-tion of production relations,as well as the Chinese solution of constructing a better life for people and a better world for human beings,explains the inner essence of Chinese-style modernization as the modernization of human beings,highlights the incomparable institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the expansion of modernization that shoulders the world historical mission of the scientific socialist movement in the 21st century.
作者 欧阳奇 Ouyang Qi(School of Marxism Studies,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《教学与研究》 北大核心 2023年第6期31-42,共12页 Teaching and Research
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金项目“马克思主义中国化与中华民族伟大复兴研究”(项目号:21XNQZ46)的阶段性成果。
关键词 新时代 社会主要矛盾 中国式现代化 拓展 the new era principal social contradictions Chinese-style modernization expansion
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