

Exploration of Medication Pattern Based on Data Mining of Warming Yang Method in the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis
摘要 目的:基于数据挖掘探究温阳法治疗溃疡性结肠炎的用药规律,为临床用药提供指导和新思路。方法:根据检索词检索万方、知网、维普、学位论文数据库建库至2022年3月的全部文献,按照纳入、排除标准筛选文献。采用Excel2016建立原始处方数据库,统计用药频数与高频中药的四气、五味、归经及功效类别。运用IBM SPSSStatistics26.0软件对高频中药进行聚类分析,再选用IBM SPSS Modeler18.0软件中的Apriori算法进行关联规则分析并绘制复杂网络图。结果:最终获得处方174首,涉及152味中药,得出高频中药(频率≥1.0%)24味,以白术、甘草、补骨脂频次最高,性味以温、甘为主,归经主要为脾、胃、肺、肾经,药物功效类别多为补虚、温里、收涩。聚类分析获得6类,关联规则分析得出支持度最高的核心药物组合是白术-茯苓、肉豆蔻。结论:温阳法治疗溃疡性结肠炎核心用药多以补虚、温里药,配伍特点多为温阳,佐以利湿、清热、活血、行气等,药物组方以四神丸为基本方进行化裁,抓住了UC的根本病机———脾肾阳虚,“补虚不助邪,祛邪不伤正”以达标本兼治的目的。 Objective:Based on data mining to explore the dosing pattern of warming Yang method for ulcerative colitis to provide guidance and new ideas for clinical dosing.Methods:All literature from Wanfang,Zhiwang,Wipu,and Dissertation databases built up to March 2022 were searched according to search terms,and literature was screened according to inclusion and exclusion criteria.Excel 2016 was used to build the original prescription database,and the frequency of medication use was counted with the four Qi,five tastes,attribution and efficacy categories of high frequency herbal medicines.IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 was used to cluster the high-frequency Chinese medicine,and then the Apriori algorithm in IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 was selected to analyze the association rules and draw a complex network diagram.Results:Finally,174 prescriptions involving 152 Chinese medicines were obtained,yielding 24 high-frequency Chinese medicines(frequency≥1.0%),with the highest frequency of Atractylodes macrocephala,Glycyrrhiza glabra,and Bupleurum tonicum,with warm and sweet nature as the main flavors,and the main meridians of spleen,stomach,lung,and kidney,and the drug efficacy categories of tonic deficiency,warming the lining,and collecting astringency.Cluster analysis obtained 6 categories,and association rule analysis yielded the core drug combinations with the highest support were Atractylodes macrocephala-Poria and nutmeg.Conclusion:The core drugs used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis are mostly deficiency tonifying and warming drugs,the combination of which is characterized by warming Yang,accompanied by dampness,clearing heat,invigorating blood,moving Qi,etc.The drug formula is based on the basic formula of Sishen Pill,which captures the fundamental pathogenesis of UC-spleen and kidney Yang deficiency,and“tonic deficiency does not help the evil,remove evil does not hurt the right”in order to achieve the goal of treating both the symptoms and the root cause.
作者 林申奇 谢昌营 肖慧荣 朱艳群 罗诗雨 刘金连 Lin Shenqi;Xie Changying;Xiao Huirong;Zhu Yanqun;Luo Shiyu;Liu Jinian(Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine,Nanchang 330004,China;Anorectal Department,The Hospital Affiliated to Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine,Nanchang 330006,China)
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2023年第7期143-148,共6页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
基金 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目(GJJ211223)。
关键词 数据挖掘 溃疡性结肠炎 温阳法 用药规律 Data Mining Ulcerative Colitis Warm Yang Method Medication Pattern
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