
上海嘉定区2010-2017学年中小学生因病缺课状况及其与急性传染病发病的相关性 被引量:2

Changing trend of sickness absenteeism among students during 2010-2017 academic years and its correlation with the incidence of acute infectious diseases in Jiading District,Shanghai
摘要 目的 探讨上海嘉定区2010-2017学年中小学生因病缺课变化趋势,分析因病缺课与社区急性传染病发病之间的相关性和提前/滞后期,为卫生和教育部门采取相应措施提供依据。方法 分析2010-2017学年上海嘉定区中小学生因病缺课症状构成,使用Joinpoint回归分析学年缺课率变化趋势,通过时间序列图定性比较因病缺课率与7种急性传染病发病率的关系,并采用互相关函数和格兰杰因果检验定量分析相关性大小及提前/滞后模式。结果 2010-2017学年上海嘉定区中小学生平均因病缺课率为0.27%,自2012学年后学年因病缺课率明显上升。缺课症状以发热最多(占47.49%)。因病缺课率的变化趋势主要与流感发病率相似,存在单向格兰杰因果关系。在2017学年第2学期,滞后3 d的全症状因病缺课率和流感发病率有最大互相关系数0.43 (95%CI=0.25~0.58),滞后3 d的发热和呼吸系统症状因病缺课率与流感发病率取到最大互相关系数0.50 (95%CI=0.33~0.65)。结论 中小学生因病缺课率与流感发病率存在相关性,在预测社区流感流行方面具有潜在应用价值。 Objective To describe the sickness absenteeism among primary and secondary school students in Jiading District and to analyze its correlation with the incidence of infectious diseases and associated lead or lag times,so as,to provide a scientific basis for the health and education departments to take measures.Methods The regularity and symptom composition of school sickness absenteeism among primary and secondary school students in Jiading District from the 2010-2017 were described.The Joinpoint model was applied to analyze the changing trend of absenteeism.And the rate of school sickness absenteeism and incidences of 7 acute infectious diseases were compared through visual analysis.The time-lagged correlation coefficients and Granger causality tests were applied to quantitatively analyze the correlation and lead/lag patterns.Results The average rate of school sickness absenteeism among primary and secondary school students in Jiading District,Shanghai was 0.27%.Since the 2012 academic year,the overall rate of sickness absenteeism has been on the rise.Fever was the most common symptom of absenteeism(47.49%).The trend of sickness absenteeism rate was mainly consistent with the incidence of influenza,and showed a one-way Granger causality.The maximum time-lagged correlation coefficient was obtained in the second semester of the 2017 academic year with a value of 0.43(95%CI=0.25-0.58).The maximum time-lagged correlation coefficient between the rate of sickness absenteeism with fever and other respiratory symptoms and the incidence of influenza was also obtained in the second semester of the 2017 academic year and the maximum correlation coefficient was 0.50(95%CI=0.33-0.65).Conclusion The sickness absenteeism rate in primary and secondary school students is correlated to influenza incidence,and it has potential application value in supplementing early warning of influenza activities in the community.
作者 王正中 于宏杰 蒋鸿琳 熊赢 童懿昕 尹江帆 彭慧 钟培松 季莹 周艺彪 WANG Zhengzhong;YU Hongjie;JIANG Honglin;XIONG Ying;TONG Yixin;YIN Jiangfan;PENG Hui;ZHONG Peisong;JI Ying;ZHOU Yibiao(Epidemiology Teaching and Research Office,School of Public Health,Fudan University/Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Public Health and Safety Education/Tropical Diseases Research Center,Shanghai(200030),China;不详)
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第6期914-918,共5页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 疾病 缺勤 传染病 回归分析 学生 Disease Absenteeism Communicable diseases Regression analysis Students
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