
欧盟法与国际法视角下欧盟对外关系的新实践和新挑战 被引量:3

EU's New Practice and Challenges in Foreign Relations from the Perspective of the EU Law and International Law
摘要 欧盟在对外关系实践中积极适用和塑造国际法,对区域国际法的发展以及不同法律体系的交叉应用等提出挑战。这些挑战是欧盟内部碎片化特征的外部表现,根源在于欧洲一体化的渐进性与不平衡性所累积的深层次结构性问题。自欧盟对外行动署成立以来,欧盟对外关系领域的实践不断丰富,影响力不断扩大。在此进程中,欧盟既积极适用国际法,也推动国际法的本土化,在一定程度上呈现出维护欧盟法“自治性”的趋势,在外交法、条约法等领域表现较为突出。这些对外关系的实践凸显欧盟法兼有所谓“超国家法”和国际法的特征,给国际法的解释、适用和发展带来不少新问题。 The EU has continuously and actively applied and shaped general international law in its external relations practice,posing challenges to regional international law,international law in specific fields and the intersection of legal system.These challenges are not only resulted in the fragmented characters of the EU law,but are rooted in the deep structural problems of imbalance of European integration process.Since the establishment of the European External Action Service in 2009,the EU's practice in the field of external relations has been continuously enriched and its influence ever expanded.In this process,the EU has both actively applied international law and promoted the Europeanisation of international law,and to a certain extent has shown a tendency to maintain the autonomy of the EU law,which is more prominent in the fields of diplomatic law and treaty law.These practices in external relations have highlighted the fact that the EU law has the characteristics of both so-called"supranational law"and international law.This poses new problems for the interpretation,application and development of international law.
作者 商震 Shang Zhen
机构地区 外交部条法司
出处 《国际法研究》 2023年第3期145-160,共16页 Chinese Review of International Law
关键词 欧盟法 对外关系 外交法 条约法 维也纳外交关系公约 the EU Law Foreign Relations Diplomatic Law Treaty Law Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
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