

Comparing Conclusion Sections of MA Theses and Research Articles in Applied Linguistics——Move Structure and Metadiscourse Analysis
摘要 本研究比较了应用语言学领域的英文硕士论文和期刊文章结论部分的语步结构和元话语分布。本研究采用了Yang和Allison的语步——步骤模型和Hyland的元话语模型,定量分析了来自于30篇国内英文硕士论文和30篇国际英文期刊文章的结论部分。同时,本研究结合实例,定性分析了硕士论文和期刊文章结论部分的具体差异,并提出可能造成差异的原因。研究发现,两种体裁结论部分的语步构成相似,差异在于不同语步/步骤的出现频率。比如说,步骤“阐明意义/优势(indicating significance/advantage)”在期刊文章中的频率高于其在硕士论文中的频率。此外,两种体裁结论部分共有语步中的高频元话语相似,差异在于框架标记语(frame markers)、内指标记语(endophoric markers)、模糊语(hedges)和自我指称(self-mentions)在语步中的使用数量。前两者在硕士论文中更常出现,而后两者在期刊文章中更常出现。造成体裁间差异的原因可能是硕士论文和期刊文章在篇幅、写作目的方面的区别,以及学生和专家在科研和学术写作能力方面的差距。本研究梳理了语步和元话语这两个概念之间的联系,即两者共同作用于语篇交际功能的实现。同时,本研究阐述并比较了硕士论文和期刊文章这两类学术语篇的特征,由此可以为学术写作教学带来启示。 This study compared the move structure and the distribution of metadiscourse markers of conclusion sections in English MA theses and research articles in applied linguistics.Using Yang and Allison’s move-step model and Hyland’s model of metadiscourse,this study analyzed quantitatively the conclusion sections from 30 English MA theses written by Chinese students and 30 English research articles published in international journals.Meanwhile,based on the collected data,this study analyzed qualitatively specific differences between conclusion sections in MA theses and research articles,and provided possible reasons leading to the differences.The results indicated that these two genres shared similar moves in conclusion sections,and the differences lied in the frequency of certain moves/steps.For example,the step“indicating significance/advantage”occurred more frequently in research articles than in MA theses.Moreover,similar metadiscourse markers occurred frequently across moves shared by these two genres.Differences lied in the usage number of frame markers,endophoric markers,hedges and self-mentions.The former two occurred more frequently in MA theses,while the latter two occurred more frequently in research articles.The reasons behind genre differences might be different lengths and writing purposes of MA theses and research articles,as well as gaps between students and experts in research and academic writing abilities.This study illuminated the connection between move and metadiscourse,that is,they are interrelated in realizing communicative purposes.The study also described and compared features of MA theses and research articles,providing implications for the teaching of academic writing.
作者 郭奕彤 Guo Yitong(School of Foreign Languages,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian,Liaoning,116029)
出处 《语文学刊》 2023年第3期37-45,共9页 Journal of Language and Literature Studies
基金 辽宁师范大学新进博士科研启动项目“基于对比分析法的英语专业硕士研究生论文写作研究”(XJ2022001101)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 硕士论文 期刊文章 结论部分 语步结构 元话语 MA theses research articles conclusion sections move structure metadiscourse
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