1概况守卫山(Strá?)上有4座与众不同的瞭望平台,他们如同“守卫”般,俯瞰着下方的伊泽拉河畔罗基特尼采镇(Rokytnice nad Jizerou),代号分别为“矿工”“狐狸”“绵羊”和“熊”。这几个要素来源于当地小镇的盾形徽章,为几座平台提供了景观意向,更增强了彼此之间的联系。他们是历史的象征,恍惚间,当年敌军入侵,山顶上狼烟四起,警示山脚下城镇的场景还历历在目。
1 Basic Description Four individual lookouts on the top of the mountain Strážabove Rokytnice nad Jizerou inspired by the characters from the town’s coat of arms.The Miner,the Fox,the Sheep,and the Bear provide a view not only of the surrounding landscape,but also from one to another.They are a reference to the past,when smoke signals were sent from the local hills to the hinterland warning of the invasion of enemy troops.
Landscape Architecture