
Cooperation among BRI Jurisdictions in Private Sector Governance in Tax Matters

摘要 Differences in national accounting standards can make it difficult for users of financial statements,including investors,to correctly assess financial results in each country or compare the business performance from one country to another.BRI jurisdictions need to ensure that potential investors have as much information as possible and can make accurate assessments.The best course may be to move to-wards adopting the international accounting standards.The adoption of internation-al standards is considered by the International Accounting Standards Board(IASB)to be a low-cost option for developing countries if they do not have the administrative capacity to develop their own domestic accounting standards.Accounting standards cover the treatment of taxation items,including deferred taxation,in the financial statements.The international accounting standard dealing with income tax is Inter-national Accounting Standards(IAS)12.Using this standard can lead to enhanced tax disclosure,transparency and comparability.In view of the potential impact of the global minimum tax developed under Pillar Two of the OECD proposals,the IASB intends to amend IAS 12 to ensure that tax disclosures in the financial statements re-main comparable.The IASB has proposed a temporary exception to IAS 12 in relation to recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities relating to Pillar Two taxes.Under the IASB proposals an entity would however be required to disclose information for the current period on Pillar Two legislation enacted in the jurisdictions where it oper-ates.For periods after the global minimum tax comes into effect,an entity would be required to separately disclose the liability to Pillar Two taxes.
机构地区 The M Group
出处 《Belt and Road Initiative Tax Journal》 2023年第1期94-103,共10页 ‘一带一路’税收(英文)
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