
共轭视角下重庆市县域乡村“居住——就业”协同发展格局及振兴路径 被引量:3

Housing-employment coordinated development and rural revitalization path at the county level in Chongqing Municipality:From the conjugate perspective
摘要 乡村“居住—就业”协同是推进共同富裕、实施乡村振兴战略的关键。论文以重庆市2007、2014和2020年3期分县截面数据,基于共轭发展视角,从乡村“居住—就业”协同的量和质2个方面,构建县域乡村居业协同度评价指标体系和评价模型,测算综合居业协同度,从而揭示其时空分异特征,进而划分居业协同类型,并提出差异化的振兴路径。研究发现:①重庆市乡村居业协同度时空差异显著,总体呈“量”“质”齐升的良性发展趋势及“中高周低”的空间格局特征;乡村居业平衡指数总体呈平衡趋势发展及“局部突出、南高北低”的空间格局特征;乡村居业效率指数呈平稳上升趋势及空间分布格局呈“团块状”向“西高东低”转变的特征。②县域乡村居业协同类型可划分为高协同型、中协同型、平衡中等型、平衡中低效型、强就业中低效型、强居住中低效型6种类型,协同型主要分布在经济发展核心区域,乡村居业中轻度失衡类型主要集中在主城都市区外围区和渝东北区,乡村居业重度失衡类型主要集中于乡村振兴重点帮扶区县。③县域经济水平更为发达的主城都市区县域乡村居业协同度高,更能吸引本县乡村人口在县域内居住就业;精准扶贫战略和乡村振兴战略实施后,渝东北渝东南经济水平发展相对滞后的地区,乡村居业协同增长趋势明显快于主城都市区,乡村人口回流效应初显。最后,基于乡村居业协同类型和空间分布特征,提出了差异化的乡村振兴路径。研究结果可为协调人地关系、激活农村内生动力、践行乡村振兴战略宜居宜业提供理论支撑和实践示范。 Coordination of rural housing and employment is the key to promoting common prosperity and implementing the rural revitalization strategy.Based on the cross-section data of Chongqing Municipality in 2007,2014,and 2020 and from the perspective of conjugation,this study constructed an evaluation indicator system and evaluation model for the coordinated development of rural housing and employment at the county level,revealed its spatiotemporal differentiation characteristics,and classified the types of housing-employment coordinated development and proposed differentiated rural revitalization paths.The results show that:1)There were significant spatial and temporal differences in the degree of rural housing-employment coordination in Chongqing Municipality,which generally showed a positive development trend both in terms of quantity and quality and a spatial pattern of high in the central area and low in the surroundings;The balance index of rural housing-employment generally showed an upward trend and a spatial pattern of local prominence and high in the south and low in the north.The efficiency index of rural housing-employment showed a steady upward trend and its spatial distribution pattern changed from clustered to high in the west and low in the east.2)The coordination of rural housing-employment at the county level can be divided into six types,including high coordination type,medium coordination type,balanced medium type,balanced medium-low efficiency type,strong employment medium-low efficiency type,and strong housing medium-low efficiency type.The high coordination type was mainly distributed in the core area of the main metropolitan area.The medium-low imbalance type was mainly concentrated in the periphery of the main metropolitan area and the northeastern area of the municipality.The severe imbalance type was mainly concentrated in the key districts and counties that received assistance from the rural revitalization program.3)There was a higher degree of coordination in the economically more developed counties in the main metropolitan area,and these counties can attract their rural population to live and work there.After the implementation of the targeted poverty alleviation program and the rural revitalization strategy,the rural housing-employment coordination in the economically less developed northeast and southeast areas of Chongqing showed a faster improvement trend compared with the main metropolitan area.The backflow of rural population has occurred.Finally,based on the types and spatial distribution characteristics of rural housingemployment coordination,the article put forward a differentiated path for rural revitalization.
作者 洪惠坤 蔡智聪 廖和平 王刚 刘亭 HONG Huikun;CAI Zhicong;LIAO Heping;WANG Gang;LIU Ting(School of Geographical Sciences,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;New Liberal Arts Laboratory ofWestern Rural Sustainable Development,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;Southwest University Center for Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Regional Development Assessment,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1098-1111,共14页 Progress in Geography
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(20BSH079)。
关键词 居业协同 共轭视角 乡村振兴 西南丘陵山区 重庆市 housing-employment coordination conjugate perspective rural revitalization hilly and mountainous regions in Southwest China Chongqing Municipality
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