

A preliminary report of the Shengwangping Paleolithic site in Xicheng Mountain,Shanxi
摘要 本文是对山西省晋城市阳城县圣王坪遗址2020年调查发现的石制品研究。调查共获得石制品1717件;其中,地表采集11件,含细石器技术制品;清理地层剖面获得1706件,属旧石器文化遗存。剖面分4个层位,第3层和第4层是文化层的主体,也是本文研究的对象和结论来源。石制品以小型和微型为主,原料以燧石为主。砸击技术占重要地位,尤其是第3层石核剥片的主要技术;该技术多应用于隐晶质的燧石和脉石英原料,具有相对较高的剥片程度,更适用于小型毛坯的开发与利用。石器组合以刮削器为主要类型,但第3层比第4层多了楔形析器和齿状器两种类型。石器修理锤击法,修理程度有限,缺乏再修理过程。遗址属于小型石片石器传统,第4层中部木炭样品的测年数据校正后为45590±510 BP cal,说明是晋南地区目前最早的旧石器时代晚期遗址。 The Shengwangping site is located on the top of Xicheng Mountain,Yangcheng County,Shanxi Province,at 35°34’N,112°22’E,and 1690 m above sea level.The site was first discovered in 2006,and in later investigations stone artifacts were found on the surface.There is still a lack of information on unearthed layers,specific ages,and technical characteristics and cultural labels of stone artifacts,therefore to determine the relationship between Shengwangping and the Xiachuan culture,we investigated Shengwangping site from September to October 2020.A total of 1717 stone artifacts were obtained,including 11 stone artifacts with microlithic traits from the surface and 1706 when cleaning the profile.The profile was divided into four cultural layers,of which 34 lithics were unearthed in the first layer,36 in the second,416 pieces in the third,and 1220 pieces in the fourth layer.Lithic technical analysis shows similar cultural characteristics between the third and fourth layers.Lithic assemblages are mainly small and miniature in size made primarily of chert.Bipolar technology plays an important role in the two layers,and becomes the predominant core reduction pattern in the third layer.It is mostly applied to the development and utilization of cryptocrystalline and small blanks with a relatively higher degree of core reduction.Lithic assemblages of the third and fourth layers include a small flake tool industry with scrapers as the predominant type.Pièces esquillée and spur-like tools were only unearthed in the third layer,not the fourth layer.Tools were retouched by freehand percussion,not pressure.The lithic technology characteristics of the third and fourth layers and the lower cultural layer of the Upper Paleolithic at the Xiachuan site belong to the small flake tool technology.Dating results of a charcoal sample in the middle of the fourth layer is 45590±510 BP cal(IntCal 20,95.4%probability)indicating that the Shengwangping site may be the earliest Upper Paleolithic site found in the southern Shanxi Province.
作者 李三灵 李学东 郭军亮 杜水生 LI Sanling;LI Xuedong;GUO Junliang;DU Shuisheng(School of History,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875;Yangcheng Cultural Relics Museum,Jincheng 048100)
出处 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期390-397,共8页 Acta Anthropologica Sinica
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(20&ZD257)。
关键词 圣王坪 石制品 燧石 技术 旧石器时代晚期 Shengwangping Lithics Chert Technology Late Paleolithic
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