
欧盟与联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产地规划政策与诠释 被引量:1

European and UNESCO Policies and Interpretation in Architectural Conservation andPlanning inWorld Heritage Sites
摘要 本文以欧盟与联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)的关系为切入点,概括性地阐述遗产诠释行动的意义,并由此论述欧洲共同体和UNESCO在遗产保护与管理层面的内在联系。遗产管理规划作为申报《世界遗产名录》的主要手段之一,其应用受到遗产诠释的影响。反之亦然,虽然欧洲遗产诠释是一项自下而上的活动,但仍需要从UNESCO和欧盟两级加以考虑,以保证地方社区在这两个层面的参与。 Traditionally,the term“interpretation”has been associated with the explanation or understanding of the significance of a particular object or concept.In the context of heritage conservation,heritage interpretation extends to all potential activities aimed at raising public awareness and enhancing public understanding of cultural heritage sites.As a critical component in the conservation and management process of World Heritage assets,heritage interpretation emerges as a paramount topic in the progression of cultural heritage,having a significant connection with knowledge dissemination.Therefore,this study examines the relationship between the EU and UNESCO and highlights the implications of interpretative action to explore the intrinsic links between the EU and UNESCO.As a critical instrument in the World Heritage List application process,a management plan finds utility in practical management endeavors to deepen the comprehension of various properties within heritage sites.In the EU context,the formulation of management plans is frequently influenced by distinct economic and social development policies,and where heritage interpretation initiatives influenced by their decisions shape the identity of EU countries through the perception of different values.In general,the management of heritage sites involves an understanding of various types of heritage values and the methods and techniques employed for communicating heritage,thereby informing activities and initiatives related to heritage interpretation.Many of these activities related to interpretation are bottom-up,but if considered at a macro level,they need to be refined at both UNESCO and EU levels.Heritage interpretation therefore needs to take into account the dual heritage values of the world and Europe,and the basic objectives of heritage interpretation and presentation should be revisited when developing management plans for heritage sites,adhering to the core principles of integrity and authenticity.
作者 诺拉·隆巴尔迪尼 费德里科·布奇 安吉拉·科隆纳 埃琳娜·菲奥雷托 马冬青 Nora Lombardini;Federico Bucci;Angela Colonna;Elena Fioretto;Dongqing Ma(Department of architecture,built environment and construction engineering,Polytechnic University of Milan,Milan 20133,Italy;Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures,University of Basilicata,Potenza 85100,Italy;Mantova campus,Polytechnic University of Milan,UNESCO Chair in Architectural conservation and planning in world heritage cities,Mantova 46100,Italy)
出处 《中国文化遗产》 2023年第3期46-51,共6页 China Cultural Heritage
关键词 世界文化遗产 管理规划 真实性 遗产诠释 world cultural heritage management plan authenticity heritage interpretation
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