
破产程序中所有权保留卖方权利的法律性质 被引量:4

Legal Nature of Seller's Rights in Ownership Retention System in Bankruptcy Proceedings
摘要 因《民法典》所有权保留买卖存在形式主义和功能主义两种解释路径,导致破产程序中卖方的权利性质模糊,继而造成《企业破产法》的修订困难。《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国企业破产法〉若干问题的规定(二)》关于卖方破产取回权的规定难以在现行法体系下得到妥当解释,赋予卖方破产取回权也有违破产债权人平等化、财产变价最大化、融资市场效率化的价值理念。依不同学说解释简单的所有权保留,卖方在破产程序中的实际权利并无根本差别,但采所有权构造说须结合期待权制度,采信托理论须配套英美财产法上的“双重所有权”制度,唯依担保权构造说赋予卖方破产别除权更符合我国实证法规范与教义体系。延长的所有权保留、扩大的所有权保留、转让的所有权保留均仅具价款担保功能而无对价牵连功能,根据破产法尊重非破产法上权利的原则,卖方仅能享有破产别除权。因此,应修改《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国企业破产法〉若干问题的规定(二)》关于卖方破产取回权的规定,明确在卖方破产时,其破产管理人仅可对标的物执行担保,在买方破产时,卖方只享有破产别除权,从而实现破产制度与担保制度在功能主义解释立场下的统合。 The Chinese Civil Code has both formalism and functionalism interpretation methods of the legal effects of retention of title issue,which leads to the ambiguity of the rights of sellers in the bankruptcy procedure,and subsequently causes difficulties in the revision of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law.Judicial Interpretation II of the Bankruptcy Law makes the sellers have the right of disposal,but it is difficult to properly interpret under the current legal system.Granting the seller’s right of disposal is also contrary to the equalization of bankruptcy creditors,the maximization of property value realization,and the efficiency of the financing market.Using the theory of absolute ownership structure to explain retention of title must be combined with the system of expecting rights,while using the theory of trust to explain it must be accompanied by the“dual ownership”system of British and American property law.The theory of security right structure conforms to the current legal system in China.Although the simple retention of title can be interpreted by absolute ownership theory,the effect is not different from granting the seller the right of bankruptcy exclusion.All accounts retention of title,aggregation retention of title,and transferred retention of title all only have price guarantee function.According to the principle of respecting rights in nonbankruptcy laws in bankruptcy law,the seller can have the right of exclusion.Therefore,the current Judicial Interpretation II of the Bankruptcy Law should be amended,so that the reserved seller can only have the right of exclusion.
作者 詹诗渊 Zhan Shiyuan
机构地区 重庆大学法学院
出处 《法学》 北大核心 2023年第7期105-120,共16页 Law Science
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“民法典实质债法规范体系研究”(22AFX015) 中央高校基金项目“双循环、新发展格局下的新法治构建和发展”(2022CDSKXYFX009)的阶段性成果。
关键词 所有权保留 担保功能主义 担保形式主义 破产取回权 破产别除权 simple retention of title functionalism of guarantee formalism of guarantee right of disposal right of exclusion
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