

Analysis on the relationship between the government health financing responsibilities and economy——Based on the empirical data of a province
摘要 目的:探讨建立科学可持续的医疗卫生服务筹资机制,为政府卫生投入和财政预算提供方法学参考。方法:通过对2001-2019年某省医疗卫生服务筹资数据进行梳理分析,构建卫生筹资总量与GDP、政府财政支出、政府财政卫生支出、城镇居民可支配收入、农民纯收入等经济指标分配的卫生经济模型。结果:卫生总费用、政府卫生支出与GDP、政府财政支出等经济指标存在显著回归关系(P=0.000)。通过GDP或政府财政支出总预算等经济指标可对卫生总费用和政府卫生支出进行预测,同时提出在政府财政卫生筹资方面预算的应用和责任分析,从而更好地筹划落实政府卫生筹资责任,以及不同情形下各级政府更合理分担卫生支出的责任。结论:基于实证数据构建的政府卫生支出责任的预测和分析有较强的说服力,同时用常见的经济指标进行预测有一定的应用性和适用性。 Objective:To establish a scientific and sustainable financing mechanism for medical and health services,and provide methodological basis for the government's health investment budget.Methods:Through the analysis of the medical and health service financing data review in A Province in recent years,We construct the economic model of health financing between health financing amount and GDP,government expenditure,government expenditure and disposable income of urban residents,farmers'income.Results:There is a significant regression relationship between total health expenditure and government health expenditure and economic indicators such as GDP and government fiscal expenditure(P=0.000).Through economic indicators such as GDP or the total budget of government financial expenditure,the total health cost and government health expenditure can be predicted,so as to better plan the implementation of the responsibility of government health financing and the sharing of the responsibility of government health expenditure under different circumstances.At the same time,it puts forward the application and responsibility analysis of the budget in government finance and health financing.Conclusion:This prediction method has considerable applicability and adaptability.
作者 黄伟 万泉 江启成 HUANG Wei;WAN Quan;JIANG Qi-cheng(Anhui Medical College,Hefei 230601,Anhui;不详)
出处 《安徽医专学报》 2023年第3期8-10,共3页 Journal of Anhui Medical College
基金 安徽省高校优秀拔尖人才培育项目(编号:gxyq2020235) 安徽省高校自然科学研究项目(编号:KJ2017A689)。
关键词 政府卫生投入 卫生筹资 财政预算 government health investment health financing economics
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