

Legal Basis and Jurisprudence of the Validation of Public Contracts Tainted by Conflict of Interests in the United States--A Reference for the Optimization of Interest Conflict Management in China
摘要 涉利益冲突政府合同可撤销是反腐败法律体系中的重要制度设计,是利益冲突法保护公共利益的立法目的得以实现的重要保障。明确涉利益冲突政府合同可撤销,既可使公职人员因合同所获利益不受法律保护而“不想腐”,也有利于敦促政府交易中的非政府方当事人发挥信息优势采取行动防止利益冲突,使公职人员“不能腐”。以美国为镜鉴,明确涉利益冲突政府合同可撤销,将公职人员以权谋私、不履行回避义务等违反利益冲突管理规定的行为纳入政府合同效力认定要素予以考量,并制定细则引导政府积极行使行政优益权、规范政府撤销涉利益冲突政府合同的程序,有利于我国一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐体制机制建设。同时应将防止利益冲突的责任分配给参与政府交易的行政相对人,并依据过错原则补偿撤销合同给行政相对人带来的损失。 The invalidation of public c ontracts tainted by conflict of interests is an important institutional design in the anti-corruption legal system and an important guarantee for the realization of the legislative purpose of protecting public interests in the conflict-of-interest law.The nullification of public contracts tainted by conflict of interests can not only make public officials“unwilling to corrupt”since the benefits obtained from those contracts are not protected by law,but also urge non-government parties in government transactions to take actions to prevent conflict of interests with the information they got,so that public officials would be“unable to corrupt”.Drawing lessons from the United States,China may take the invalidation of public contract tainted by conflict of interests as the principle,taking situations in which the public officials abuse power for personal gains or not fulfilling their obligations to avoid violation of conflict of interests law into consideration while identifying the validity of public contract.China should also formulate rules to guide the government exercise administrative prior rights properly while cancel public contract.These are all conducive to China’s integration to promote mechanisms favorable for the“not daring to corrupt,not able to corrupt and not willing to corrupt”situation.Meanwhile,the responsibility of preventing conflict of interests should be distributed to the companies participating in government transactions,and the companies should be compensated according to the principle of fault for the loss caused by the cancellation of the government contract tainted by conflict of interests.
作者 吴晓梦 袁柏顺 WU Xiaomeng;YUAN Baishun(Marxism School,Hu’nan University,Changsha 410082,Hu’nan,China;Research Center for Clean Governance,Hu’nan University,Changsha 410082,Hu’nan,China)
出处 《廉政文化研究》 2023年第2期65-75,共11页 Anti-corruption and Integrity Culture Studies
基金 湖南省社会科学重大项目(湘社科办〈2019〉3)。
关键词 利益冲突 公共利益 行政协议 腐败经济 信赖保护原则 conflict of interests public interest public contracts corrupt economy trust-protection principle
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