

Governance,Discipline and Balance:The Governance Logic of Cyber Politics
摘要 统治治理、规训治理和平衡治理是政府对互联网政治进行治理的三个基本逻辑。统治治理的逻辑是人民对敌人治理的逻辑,目的是解决敌我矛盾。规训治理是由权力变权威治理的逻辑,贯穿的主线是使网民对权力发自内心地服从,目的是解决敌我矛盾和人民内部矛盾,核心是处理人民内部矛盾。平衡治理是对统治与规训的继承与超越,平衡治理的逻辑是规训与反规训平衡,贯穿的主线是赋予网民平等的话语权,目的是处理敌我矛盾、人民内部矛盾、国家与社会矛盾,核心是处理国家与社会的矛盾。由敌我矛盾、人民内部矛盾到国家与社会的矛盾的不断解决,实现了社会与政治双重和谐与稳定。以主体制约主体、以技术抗衡技术、以人文平衡技术、以话语规制话语是防止话语规训滥用的基本方式,也是政府对互联网治理落实主体性的核心内容。 Governance,discipline governance and balanced governance are the three basic logics of government governance of Internet politics.The logic of ruling governance is the logic of the people’s governance of the enemy,and the main line that runs through it is the ruling class’s dominant power and the obedience of hostile forces,with the purpose of resolving the contradiction between the enemy and ourselves.Discipline and governance is the logic of changing power into authoritative governance,and the main line that runs through is to make netizens obey power from the bottom of their hearts,with the purpose of resolving contradictions between the enemy and ourselves and contradictions among the people,and the core is to deal with contradictions among the people.Balanced governance is the inheritance and transcendence of rule and discipline,the logic of balanced governance is the balance of discipline and anti-discipline,and the main line that runs through is to give netizens equal discourse power,the purpose is to deal with the contradiction between the enemy and ourselves,the contradiction between the people and the contradiction between the state and society,and the core is to deal with the contradiction between the state and society.From the contradiction between the enemy and ourselves,the contradiction among the people,to the continuous resolution of the contradiction between the state and society,we have achieved dual social and political harmony and stability.Restricting the subject with the subject,countering the technology with technology,balancing the technology with humanities,and regulating the discourse with discourse are the basic ways to prevent the abuse of discourse discipline,and it is also the core content of the government’s implementation of the subjectivity of Internet governance.
作者 张爱军 ZHANG Aijun
出处 《阅江学刊》 2023年第4期118-127,173,共11页 Yuejiang Academic Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“高校意识形态工作精细化研究”(20BKS105)。
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