
人口老龄化背景下我国老年教育立法困境及法律体系构建 被引量:2

The Legislative Dilemma and Legal System Construction of Elderly Education in China Under the Background of Aging Population
摘要 随着我国人口老龄化进程的加快,如何将积极老龄观融入经济社会发展全过程,把老年教育纳入法制化轨道,以法治的系统性思维前瞻性规划老年教育法律体系建设,成为重要的时代命题。从我国老年教育立法进程及基本特点来看,其主要存在老年教育法律体系孱弱、法律制度供给不足、立法价值理念模糊、以政策法调整为主导立法规制等困境。唯有化解老年教育法律整体结构及功能上存在的体系性缺陷,才能更好地保障老年人受教育权的充分实现。未来我国老年教育立法的体系化构建可采取三条基本路径:一是以当然权、固有权和专属权为价值理念,构建老年教育法律的内在价值体系;二是以规范系统、实施系统、监督系统和保障系统为形式理性,完善老年教育法律的总体结构;三是以强化体系功能和实效为目标,制定我国老年教育基本法,进而形成以宪法为指针、以教育法为统领、以老年人权益保障法为基础、以老年教育专项法为核心,以及以地方性法规为补充的体现递次逻辑的老年教育法律体系。 With the acceleration of China’s aging population process,how to integrate a positive aging perspective into the entire process of economic and social development,integrate elderly education into the legal track,and plan the construction of the legal system for elderly education with a systematic thinking of the rule of law has become an important topic of the times.From the perspective of the legislative process and basic characteristics of elderly education in China,there are mainly difficulties such as a weak legal system for elderly education,insufficient supply of legal systems,vague legislative value concepts,and legislative regulation dominated by policy and law adjustments.Only by resolving the systemic defects in the overall structure and function of the elderly education law can we better ensure the full realization of the right of the elderly to education.The systematic construction of legislation on elderly education in China in the future can take three basic paths.Firstly,based on the value concepts of natural rights,inherent rights,and exclusive rights,the internal value system of elderly education law should be constructed;Secondly,taking the normative system,implementation system,supervision system,and guarantee system as the formal rationality,the overall structure of the elderly education law should be improved;Thirdly,with the goal of strengthening the function and effectiveness of the system,the Basic Law on Elderly Education in China should be formulated,and hence to form a elderly education legal system with a progressive logic,guided by the Constitution,led by the Education Law,based on the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly,with the Special Law on Elderly Education as the core and supplemented by local regulations.
作者 王少媛 刘博炜 WANG Shaoyuan;LIU Bowei
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 北大核心 2023年第4期56-64,74,共10页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 辽宁省社科基金教育学重点项目“人口老龄化背景下辽宁省老年教育立法体系建设策略研究”(L20AED003)。
关键词 老年教育 老年教育立法 法律体系化 受教育权 人口老龄化 Education for the Elderly Elderly Education Legislation Legal Systematization The Right to Education Population Aging
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