

Wave-based Attitude Control of Tethered Coulomb Structures
摘要 为实现对绳系库仑结构的姿态控制,针对其柔性与刚性并存的特点,设计了波动控制器对其进行控制。首先,采用波动方程描述所提出的吊环模型(RSM)运动,并通过求解两种边界条件下的波动方程对模型进行了波动分析,得到了波在模型中的传播规律。之后,将绳系库仑结构的姿态控制问题转化为吊环模型的摆动控制问题,并利用回波吸收思想设计了波动控制(WBC)器,且进行了仿真验证。结果表明,所设计的控制器能够在不产生额外摆动的情况下控制空间绳系库仑结构的姿态;所设计的控制器对于执行机构的控制能力需求较低,易于工程实现。由于只需绳系库仑结构中的一个航天器具有机动能力即可实现对其姿态的控制,因此可减小对绳系库仑结构中的航天器执行机构需求,也可使在有航天器控制能力失效的情况下的绳系库仑结构仍能进行姿态控制。 In order to control the attitude of tethered Coulomb structures(TCS),a wave-based controller is proposed in view of co-existence of rigidity and flexibility of TCS.Firstly,the wave equation is used to describe the motion of the ring-string model(RSM),and the wave propagation in RSM is analyzed by solving the wave equation under boundary constraints.After that,the attitude control problem of TCS is transformed into the vibration control problem of RSM,and a wave controller is designed using the method of reflected wave absorption and verified by numerical simulation.The simulation results show that the wave-based controller can control the attitude of TCS without vibration of TCS.The wave-based controller has low demand for the ability of the actuator and is easy to be implemented.Since the attitude control of TCS can be realized as long as one spacecraft of TCS has maneuverability,the requirement of actuator of TCS can be reduced or the attitude of TCS can be controlled although the actuator of one spacecraft of TCS is defunct.
作者 石安睿 张景瑞 蔡晗 SHI Anrui;ZHANG Jingrui;CAI Han(School of Aerospace Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期906-913,共8页 Journal of Astronautics
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金(11825201) 国家重点项目(12232003)。
关键词 吊环模型 波动方程 姿态控制 绳系库仑结构 Ring-string model Wave equation Attitude control Tethered coulomb structure
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