
数字文化产业赋能乡村振兴:契合关系、现实困境及路向选择 被引量:3

Rural Revitalization Empowered by Digital Cultural Industry:Compatible Relationship, Practical Dilemma and Direction Selection
摘要 乡村要振兴,产业是基础,文化是灵魂。在文化产业发展进程中,将文化资源优势转化为经济优势的同时,更能促使经济社会发展得以扎根传统、厚植文化根基。数字文化产业是我国文化产业转型升级和提质增效的新业态、新领域,是建设数字乡村、增强文化自信的重要载体。针对乡村数字文化产业在数字中国建设和乡村振兴中的价值维度和发展困境,探寻数字文化产业赋能乡村振兴的路向选择。在文化认同和数字素养层面,应挖掘优秀传统文化资源并使其得以数字化传承与保护,不断满足村民的精神文化需求,通过数字素养与技能培训使村民真切享受到信息时代的“数字红利”,促进乡村文化认同度与村民数字素养的提升。在数字技术应用层面,应增进数字技术理性与时代价值需求的呼应,通过强化乡村配套数字基础设施建设,加快新一代数字技术成果在乡村文化事业和文化产业发展中的应用,使数字技术与乡土文化在良性互动、交织互补中共同发展。在数字文化产业发展层面,应深化数字时代的多维融合与商业模式创新,以城乡融合为起点,促进文化事业和文化产业融合,加强文化产业与其他产业的融合,加速文化数据资源的有效融合并推进互联网时代商业模式的不断创新。 To revitalize the rural areas,industry is the foundation and culture is the soul.In the process of the cultural industry development,while transforming the advantages of cultural resources into economic advantages,economic and social development can also get promoted to take root in traditional and cultural foundations.The digital cultural industry is a new format and a new field for the transforming and upgrading of China’s cultural industry and the improvement of quality and efficiency,also is an important carrier for building digital villages and enhancing cultural self-confidence.In view of the value dimension and development dilemma of rural digital culture industry in the construction of digital China and rural revitalization,this paper explores the direction selection of rural revitalization empowered by digital culture industry.In terms of cultural identity and digital literacy,excellent traditional cultural resources should be excavated and digitally inherited and protected to continuously meet the villagers’spiritual and cultural needs.Through digital literacy and skill training,villagers can truly enjoy the“digital dividend”of the information age to promote the improvement of rural cultural identity and villagers’digital literacy.At the application level of digital technology,it is necessary to enhance the demand for the rationality of digital technology and the value needs of the times.By strengthening the construction of supporting digital infrastructure in the rural areas,the application of the new generation of digital technology achievements in the development of the rural cultural undertakings and cultural industries should be accelerated so as to make the digital technology and local culture develop together in the benign,interweaving,and complementary interactions.In terms of the development of the digital cultural industry,the multi-dimensional integration and business model innovation in the digital era should be deepened.Starting from the integration of urban and rural areas,the integration of cultural undertakings and cultural industries should be promoted,and the integration of cultural industry and other industries should be strengthened to accelerate the effective integration of cultural data resources and the continuous innovation of business models in the Internet Era.
作者 杨琳 饶金涛 YANG Lin;RAO Jintao(School of Journalism and New Media,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China)
出处 《唐都学刊》 2023年第4期42-50,F0002,共10页 Tangdu Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目:“乡村振兴视角下新媒体在乡村治理中的角色与功能研究”(21&ZD320)阶段性成果 陕西省社会科学基金项目:“陕西省文化旅游区域协同发展的现实诉求、动力机制及路径选择研究”(2020R039)阶段性成果。
关键词 数字经济 数字文化产业 数字乡村 乡村振兴 digital economy digital culture industry digital villages rural revitalization
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