
柠檬酸催化强化疏浚底泥水热减量机理研究 被引量:1

Mechanism of citric acid catalyzed enhancement of hydrothermal reduction in dredged bottom mud
摘要 选择疏浚底泥为研究对象,分析柠檬酸对疏浚底泥水热减量的影响。通过设置空白组和最佳组反应条件进行对比研究,并对水热液中的溶解性多糖和蛋白质进行测定分析,运用紫外可见分光光度计进行光谱扫描分析以及通过气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行有机物分析,以此表征柠檬酸催化强化疏浚底泥水热减量机理。结果表明,在空白组条件下,底泥减量率湿重为66.8%、干重为34.7%;在最佳组条件下,底泥减量率湿重为76.8%、干重为54.5%,这说明柠檬酸催化强化了疏浚底泥水热减量效果,这主要是因为柠檬酸参与底泥水热反应,强化底泥破胞分解,从而提高底泥减量效果。 With dredged sediment as the research object,the effect of citric acid on the hydrothermal reduction of dredged sediment was analyzed.By comparing the reaction conditions of the blank group and the optimal group,and by determining and analyzing the soluble polysaccharides and proteins in hydrothermal solution,spectral scanning analysis was performed using UV visible spectrophotometer and organic matter analysis was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to characterize the mechanism of citric acid catalyzed enhancement of hydrothermal reduction in dredged sediment.The results showed that under the conditions for the blank group,the sediment reduction rate was 66.8%in wet weight and 34.7%in dry weight,while under the conditions for the optimal conditions,the sediment reduction rate was 76.8%in wet weight and 54.5%in dry weight,indicating that citric acid catalysis enhanced the hydrothermal reduction effect of dredged sediment,mainly because citric acid participates in the hydrothermal reaction of the sediment,enhances the decomposition of sediment cells,and thus improves the reduction effect of sediment.
作者 丁付革 周正兵 甘雁飞 DING Fu-ge;ZHOU Zheng-bing;GAN Yan-fei(CCCC SDC Jiangsu Communications Construction Engineering Company,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210000,China)
出处 《中国港湾建设》 2023年第7期78-83,共6页 China Harbour Engineering
基金 中交上海航道局科技研发项目(SHJKJ-2020-028)。
关键词 疏浚底泥 柠檬酸 水热减量 机理分析 dredging sediment citric acid water heat reduction mechanism analysis
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