
民族地区居民对旅游振兴乡村效应的感知与态度比较研究——基于雷波马湖和西昌安哈景区的实地调查 被引量:2

Study on perception and attitude of residents in ethnic areas towards effect of tourism on revitalizing countryside——Based on the field survey of Mahu in Leibo County and Anha Scenic Area in Xichang
摘要 本文运用访谈法、问卷调查和数理统计方法,以彝、汉“互嵌”的马湖景区与纯彝族制的安哈景区为调研区域,探究民族地区居民对旅游振兴乡村效应的感知及对旅游发展的态度。通过均值分析发现,两地居民对旅游经济效应、社会文化效应、环境效应的感知和参与意愿、满意度和支持态度存在不同程度的差异;独立样本T检验进一步发现,两地居民对旅游负面效应的感知以及在满意度和支持态度方面存在显著差异。究其原因在于,民族居住分布样态不同、民族文化习俗差异、地方政府对旅游民生的关注和帮扶行为等,都会影响景区居民对旅游效应的感知和行为态度。基于此,地方政府可通过引领各族居民铸牢中华民族共同体意识,共创、共享乡村旅游成果;加强乡风文明建设,增进民族文化交融;以“扶志”“扶智”增强居民参与旅游的内生动力和参与能力;地方政府引领乡村旅游民生价值实现等措施,推动各民族协同发展乡村旅游,实现乡村振兴之目标。 This paper used the methods of interviewing,questionnaire and mathematical statistics to explore the residents′perception of the rural revitalization effect of tourism and their attitude in ethnic minority areas by taking Mahu Scenic Area,which was“embedded”by Yi and Han people,and Anha Scenic Area,which was a pure Yi system,as the research objects.The mean analysis showed that residents′perceptions had differences in different degrees at many aspects,such as tourism economic effects,social and cultural effects,environmental effects,willingness to participate and support tourism,as well as their satisfaction.The independent sample T test further found that there were significant differences in the perception and satisfaction of the negative effects of tourism between the two places.The reasons were that different distribution patterns of ethnic residence,different ethnic cultures and customs,local governments′attention paid to tourism and their support behaviors would all affect the perception and attitude of residents in scenic spots towards tourism effects.Based on the above,local governments could lead residents of all ethnic groups to jointly create and share the achievements of rural tourism by building a strong sense of the Chinese national community,enhance the integration of national culture and promote the construction of rural civilization;strengthen residents′endogenous motivation and participation ability by‘supporting the will’and‘supporting the intellect’,guide and promote rural tourism,give full play to the livelihood value of rural tourism and other measures,promote multi-ethnic coordinated development of rural tourism,and jointly revitalize the countryside.
作者 王玉琼 黄玉理 WANG Yuqiong;HUANG Yuli(School of Tourism and Urban-Rural Planning,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu 610041,China;School of Tourism&Culture Industry,Chengdu University,Chengdu 610106,China)
出处 《资源开发与市场》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第7期913-920,共8页 Resource Development & Market
基金 四川景观与游憩研究中心项目(编号:JGYQ2016—019) 国家社会科学基金一般项目(编号:18BGL223)。
关键词 乡村振兴 旅游效应 感知与态度 中华民族共同体 rural revitalization tourism effect perception and attitude Chinese national community
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