

Explore the Influence of Water Body on InSAR Interference DSM
摘要 干涉合成孔径雷达(Interferometric SyntheticAperture Radar,InSAR)是能够全天时、全天候工作,并且具有很强穿透能力的一种微波遥感方式,它能够穿透云、雪、雾以及植被覆盖密集区域。但当雷达波束照射到水体区域时,由于水体表面比较光滑,会产生类似镜面反射的现象,造成目标后向散射系数低,回波信号弱,从而导致相干性差,干涉相位噪声严重,残差点密集,尤其在水体面积较大时极易引起相位解缠误差的产生。本文主要利用天绘二号卫星影像,通过水体是否参与干涉数字表面模型(Digital Surface Model,DSM)的过程,研究水体掩膜对干涉过程的影响,进而提高InSAR干涉DSM的精度。 The Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar(InSAR)is a microwave remote sensing method that can work all day and has strong penetration ability.It can penetrate clouds,snow,fog and dense vegetation.However,when the radar beam exposure to the water area,because the water surface is smooth,it will produce a phenomenon similar to mirror reflection,resulting in low backscat-tering coefficient of the target and weak echo signal,which will lead to poor coherence,serious interference phase noise and dense re-sidual points.Especially when the water area is large,it is very easy to cause phase unwrapping error.This paper mainly uses TH2 satellite images to study the influence of water mask on the interference process through whether water body participates in the process of DSM,so as to improve the accuracy of InSAR interference DSM.
作者 于海洋 张元杰 崔永利 YU Haiyang;ZHANG Yuanjie;CUI Yongli(The Third Topographic Survey Team of MNR,Harbin 150025,China)
出处 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2023年第S01期173-175,185,共4页 Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
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