1Richard Hurd.The Works of Richard Hurd,D.D.Vol.IV.London:J.Nichols and Son,1811.
2Peter Sabor Ed.Horace Walpole:The Critical Heritage.Lon-don and New York:Routledge&Regan Paul,1987.
3Devendra P.Varma.The Gothic Flame.Metuchen and Lon-don:Scarecrow Press,1987.
4Birgitta Berglund.Woman’s Whole Existence:The House asan Image in the Novels of Ann Radcliffe,Mary Wollstonecraft,and JaneAusten.Lund:Lund University Press,1993.
5Anne Williams.Art of Darkness:A Poetics of Gothic.Chica-go:University of Chicago Press,1995.
6Eino Railo.The Haunted Castle:A Study of the Elements ofEnglish Romanticism.London:George Routledge&Sons,1927.
7Linda Bayer-Berenbaum.The Gothic Imagination:Expan-sion in Gothic Literature and Art.London and Toronto:Associated Uni-versity Press,1982.
8John Ruskin.The Stones of Venice.Vol.2.Boston:Dana Es-tes,1851.