
新疆达坂城盐湖嗜盐细菌分离鉴定及活性分析 被引量:1

Isolation,identification and activity of halophilic bacteria from Dabancheng Salt Lake,Xinjiang
摘要 【目的】研究新疆盐湖嗜盐微生物资源及发掘菌株发酵液的农用和医药活性。【方法】采集达坂城区达坂城盐湖湖边的淤泥样品进行菌株分离鉴定,采用4种不同分离培养基,使用平板稀释涂布法结合16S rRNA进行分离鉴定;并用平板对峙法对分离到的放线菌进行植物病原菌拮抗活性研究,用HepG2细胞增殖测定其抑制肿瘤活性。【结果】获得细菌18株,鉴定为14个属,其中芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、链霉菌属(Streptomyces)、拟诺卡氏菌属(Nocardiopsis)为优势种群。有3株放线菌具有拮抗植物病原菌活性,其中菌株Tsukamurella sinensis DBC26和Nocardiopsis crassaminis DBC31有拮抗棉花枯萎菌活性,Streptomyces longispororuber DBC5有拮抗水稻恶苗菌活性。菌株DBC5、DBC9和DBC10对HepG2细胞增殖的抑制率分别为96.4%、91.8%和87.8%。【结论】达坂城盐湖细菌在数量和种类上存在丰富的多样性,且稀有放线菌种类较为丰富,并且其发酵液具有拮抗植物病原菌活性和抑制肿瘤细胞增殖活性。 【Objective】To study the resources of halophilic microorganisms in Salt Lake of Xinjiang and explore the agricultural and medical activities of the fermentation broth of the strain.【Methods】In this study,the sludge samples from Dabancheng Salt Lake in Daban City were collected for isolation and identification of bacterial strains.Four different separation media were used for isolation and identification by plate dilution coating method combined with 16S rRNA.The antagonistic activity of the isolated actinomycetes was studied by flat-plate antagonistic method,and the anticancer activity of the isolated actinomycetes was determined by HepG2 cell proliferation.【Results】Eighteen strains of bacteria were obtained and identified as 14 genera,among which Bacillus,Streptomyces and Nocardiopsis were the dominant species.Three actinomycetes showed antagonistic activity against plant pathogens,among which strains Tsukamurella sinensis DBC26 and Nocardiopsis crassaminis DBC31 showed antagonistic activity against fusarium oxysporum.Streptomyces longispororuber DBC5 showed antagonistic activity against rice vaccinia.The anti-tumor activity of DBC5,DBC9 and DBC10 strains against HepG2 cell proliferation was 96.4%,91.8%and 87.8%,respectively.【Conclusion】This study showed that the number and species of bacteria in Dabancheng Salt Lake are rich in diversity,and rare actinomycetes are rich in species,and their fermentation broth has the activity of antagonizing plant pathogens and inhibiting tumor cell proliferation.
作者 李怡歆 陈勇 刘晓禄 艾尼江·尔斯满 徐李娟 刘倩倩 包晓玮 宋素琴 LI Yixin;CHEN Yong;LIU Xiaolu;Ainijiang Ersiman;XU Lijuan;LIU Qianqian;BAO Xiaowei;SONG Suqin(Xinjiang key Laboratory of Special Environmental Microorganisms/Research Institute of Applied Microbiology,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Urumqi 830091,China;College of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China;Institute of soil,Fertilizer and Agricultural Water Conservation,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Aciences,Urumqi 830091,China;College of Agronomy,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China;Agricultural Science Research Institute of the 13th Division of XPPC,Emin Xinjiang 839000,China)
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1766-1772,共7页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(NSFC-新疆联合基金)“新疆盐湖放线菌来源的星孢菌素类化合物及其PKCθ抑制活性研究”(U1903101) 新疆农业科学院科技创新重点培育专项“马铃薯疮痂病病原菌致病毒素thaxtomins产量差异分析及其对新疆农田杂草的除草性能研究”(xjkcpy-202203)。
关键词 盐湖 放线菌 多样性 抗菌活性 Salt Lake actinomycetes diversity antibacterial activity
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