

Optimization of Empty Container Turnover in Reefer Container Yard
摘要 针对冷藏集装箱堆场的作业特点,以堆场翻箱成本、提放箱成本、堆高机移动成本和外集卡延误成本之和最小为目标,构建了预检完毕箱进场和提箱作业协同优化模型,并设计了两阶段箱位分配启发式算法。算例分析表明,设计的启发式算法较堆场现行方法可以有效降低翻箱次数和堆场作业成本,可为堆场资源调配提供参考。 In this paper,considering the operational characteristics of the reefer container yard,and with the objective of minimizing the sum of the container turnover cost,container lifting and placing cost,stacker operation cost and outside container truck delay cost,we constructed a collaborative optimization model for the pre-inspected container inbound and pick-up operations and designed the two-stage container bay allocation heuristic algorithm.At the end,through a numerical example,it was shown that compared with current yard running practice,the designed heuristic algorithm could effectively reduce the number of container turnover and the cost of yard operations,providing reference for the allocation of yard resources.
作者 朱明明 于越 唐丽敏 计明军 ZHU Mingming;YU Yue;TANG Limin;JI Mingjun(Transportation&Management College,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026;China Ocean Shipping Agency Co.,Ltd.Dalian Branch,Dalian 116000,China)
出处 《物流技术》 2023年第6期52-57,111,共7页 Logistics Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金“自动化集装箱码头堆存决策与机械调度的协同优化方法研究”(71971035)。
关键词 冷藏集装箱堆场 翻箱优化 箱位分配 启发式算法 reefer container yard optimization of container turnover container bay allocation heuristic algorithm
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