

Reform and Practice of College System under the Background of Major Enrollment--A Case Study of Xidian University
摘要 国家在不同发展时期对于人才有着不同的能力需求,高等教育改革对于指导高校培养适合于国家经济建设、社会发展的专业人才,意义重大。我国高等教育自新中国建立以来,在高等教育学科专业设置、高考招生、人才培养机制等方面积极探索,逐渐从国家指导计划体制发展为高校根据社会需求自主调整的专业人才培养体制。近年来,“宽专业、厚基础”的大类招生培养模式越来越被社会和高校认可,并在高考改革中广泛实践,与之伴生的高校书院制管理模式也逐渐成为新时期各高校教育教学管理改革的发力方向。西安电子科技大学作为行业特色鲜明的“双一流”大学,大力推进本科教育体制机制改革,成立本科生院和7个试点书院,构建学院、书院“双院”协同育人模式,助力人才培养高质量发展。继续深化高等教育改革,扩大大类招生培养及书院制改革育人成效,已成为新时期全面提高人才自主培养质量的重要支撑。 Countries have different abilities for talents in different development periods.The reform of higher education is of great significance for guiding colleges and universities to train professional talents who are suitable for national economic construction and social development.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China,higher education has actively explored in the specialty setting of higher education subjects,college entrance examination enrollment and personnel training mechanism,and gradually developed from the national guidance planning system to the professional personnel training system that colleges adjust independently according to social needs.In recent years,the enrollment and training mode of"broad majors and broad foundations"has been increasingly recognized by the society and colleges,and has been widely practiced in the reform of college entrance examination.The accompanying college system management mode has gradually become the driving direction of the reform of education and teaching management in colleges and universities in the new era.Xidian University,as a"double first-class"university with distinctive characteristics in the industry,has vigorously promoted the reform of the undergraduate education system and mechanism,established the undergraduate school and 7 pilot academies,and built the collaborative education model of the college and the academy,to facilitate the high-quality development of talent training.Continuing to deepen the reform of higher education,expanding the cultivation of major enrollment and college system reform has become an important support for comprehensively improving the quality of independent talent training in the new era.
作者 崔方磊 余博 张国良 李超 穆宏浪 CUI Fanglei;YU Bo;ZHANG Guoliang
出处 《高教学刊》 2023年第S02期13-16,共4页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 2021年西安电子科技大学基本科研业务费人文社科类(管理)资助项目一般项目“大类招生背景下书院制管理中的学生归属感研究——以西安电子科技大学为例”(RW210126,主持人为崔方磊) 2021年陕西省高等教育教学改革研究重点项目“以学生为中心的学院和书院‘双院协同育人’模式探索与实践”(21ZZ009,主持人为余博)。
关键词 大类招生 书院制 教育教学改革 “双院”协同育人模式 高质量发展 major enrollment college system education and teaching reform the collaborative education model of the college and the academy high-quality development
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