选取9个环境因子,采用MaxEnt优化参数模型评价三江源地区藏野驴Equus kiang、藏原羚Procapra picticaudata适宜栖息地,并对其1990—2020年的变化特征进行分析。结果表明:藏野驴和藏原羚的适宜栖息地分别分布于海拔3440~4970 m和3650~4840 m、年降水量225~660 mm和220~625 mm、年均气温-7~0.5℃和-6~-0.6℃、坡度<15°的平缓山地和山谷中有禾草、薹草高寒草原,以及嵩草、杂类草高寒草甸的区域,藏野驴占据地势较低、植被覆盖较高、草况较好的区域;栖息地不适宜区面积呈先增加后减少趋势,2005年占比最高,分别为65.58%和55.54%。三江源地区气候暖湿化带来的土地覆盖变化、草地覆盖度提升是藏野驴、藏原羚适宜栖息地变化的主要影响因子,保护区、国家公园的建立和多期生态保护建设工程的实施使藏野驴、藏原羚受人为干扰程度降低、适宜栖息地面积增大。研究对三江源地区典型野生动物栖息地适宜性进行科学评估,为野生动物栖息地保护、生态建设工程实施和国家公园规划管理等决策的制定提供科学依据。
The suitable habitats of Equus kiang and Procapara picticaudata were evaluated by MaxEnt optimized model with 9 environmental factors,and their characteristics from 1990 to 2020 were analyzed.The results showed that E.kiang and P.picticaudata are distributed in the gentle mountains and valleys with an altitude of 3440-4970 m and 3650-4840 m,annual precipitation of 225-660 mm and 220-625 mm,annual average temperature of−7-0.5℃and−6-−0.6℃,and slope of less than 15°.The two species prefer to live in the alpine grassland of grass,bolting grass,and al⁃pine meadow of kobresia and miscellaneous grass.E.kiang normally occupies the area with lower terrain,higher vegeta⁃tion coverage and better grass condition.The proportions of unsuitable habitats area showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing,whose proportion of area was the highest in 2005,which was 65.58%and 55.54%,respectively.The change of land cover and the improvement of grassland coverage caused by climate warming and humidifying in the threeriver-source region are the main factors influencing the change of suitable habitats for these two species.The establishment of nature reserve,national park and the implementation of multi-phase ecological protection construction project have re⁃duced the degree of human interference and increased the area of suitable habitat for E.kiang and P.picticaudata.The study conducted a scientific assessment of the typical wildlife habitat in the three-river-source region,and can provide sci⁃entific basis for the decision making of wildlife habitat protection,ecological construction project implementation and na⁃tional park planning and management.
ZENG Xiaoming;YANG Ying;GONG Congran;YANG Dongdong;LI Aijing(Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering,Tianjin 300456,China;Environmental Technology Development of TIWTE(Tianjin)Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300456,China;Institute of Transportation Development Strategy&Planning of Sichuan Province,Chengdu 610093,China;Shaanxi Institute of Zoology,Xi’an 710032,China)
Sichuan Journal of Zoology