

A Study on the Internet plus Education Poverty Alleviation Model in the Post Epidemic Era--Take the Yanyuan Volunteer Service Team of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law for Example
摘要 党的二十大报告明确提出要“完善志愿服务制度和工作体系”。为应对后疫情时代何如将志愿服务长期化、规范化、常态化,实现志愿服务的最大化与有效化这一时代课题,团队在对高校志愿服务情况、云支教开展现状充分调研的基础上,剖析出高校云支教存在的问题,总结“燕园学社”四届云支教在多元人员构成、保障制度探析、多元课程设计和强大技术优势等方面的实践经验与成果,为我国高校云支教实践提供了优化建议。建立志愿者全过程监督管理机制,实现教育管理机构顶层设计多方联动相配合,加大偏远山区农村地区的教育资源配置,打造线上线下双融合的常态化支教模式,探索出一条具有中国特色志愿服务理论的大学生志愿服务发展之路。 The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposes that“improve the volunteer service system and work system”.In order to address the issue of how to make volunteer services long-term,standardized,and normalized in the post pandemic era,and achieve the maximization and effectiveness of volunteer services.Based on a thorough investigation of the current situation of volunteer services in universities and cloud-based education,oue team analyzed that there are problems with cloud-based education in universities,such as insufficient professional literacy of volunteers,inaccurate supply and demand coordination,outdated infrastructure,and single teaching forms.We summarize the practical experience and achievements of the four sessions of yanyuan volunteer service team cloud support teaching in diverse personnel composition,security system analysis,diverse curriculum design,and strong technological advantages,then provide optimization suggestions and models for the practice of cloud support teaching in Chinese universities for establishing a volunteer full process supervision and management mechanism,coordinating the top-level design of education management institutions with rural schools,local governments,higher education institutions,supporting teaching organizations,increasing the allocation of educational resources in remote mountainous and rural areas,and creating a normalized model of online and offline dual integration for supporting education.We explore a path for the development of volunteer service for college students with Chinese characteristics to promote the widespread dissemination and practice of cloud assisted education model in the field of education,and coritnbute to rural revitalization and education poverty alleviation in China.
作者 李家君 田腕君 王小怡 舒永芳 Li Jiajun;Tian Wanjun;Wang Xiaoyi;Shu Yongfang(School of Law,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China;School of Journalism and Culture Communication,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China)
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生论丛》 2023年第S01期69-80,共12页 Journal of the Postgraduates of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
关键词 志愿服务 乡村振兴 云支教 互联网+教育扶贫 燕园学社 Volunteer Service Rural Revitalization Cloud-based Education Yanyuan Society Volunteer Service Organization Internet plus Education Poverty Alleviation
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