

Application of Undisturbed Fast-Cutting Device in Low-Voltage Power Distribution System of Desalting Water Station in Coal Chemical Industry
摘要 煤化工企业脱盐水站用电设备对供电连续性要求高,中断供电会导致工艺管道里面的水形成水锤,造成水回流冲击使管路振动,同时水锤还会对水泵叶轮产生冲击,导致反渗透膜膜片破损。本文通过介绍分析无扰动快切装置与传统备自投装置的工作原理,研究无扰动快切装置是如何实现备用电源投切的,分析发现无扰动快切装置投切由于是基于频差、相角差来投切备用电源的,在频差和相角差在较小的范围内投切备用电源时,既能保证供电连续性又能对脱盐水站的用电设备冲击最小。 As the electrical equipment of the desalination water station in coal chemical enterprises has a high requirement on the continuity of power supply,the interruption of power supply will cause the water in the process pipeline to form a water hammer,causing the water back-flow impact and pipeline vibration.Meanwhile,the water hammer will also cause the impact on the pump impeller and lead to the damage of the reverse osmosis membrane.Through the introduction and analysis of the working principle of the undisturbed quick switching device and the traditional standby automatic switching device,this paper studies how the undisturbed quick switching device realizes the switching of standby power supply.Through the analysis of the working principle,it is found that the switching of the undisturbed quick switching device is based on the frequency difference and phase angle difference to switch the standby power supply,so when the frequency difference and phase angle difference are switched to the standby power supply in a small range,it can not only ensure the continuity of power supply but also minimize the impact on the electrical equipment of the desalted water station.
作者 朱中原 ZHU Zhongyuan(Zhong Lianhai Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201204,China)
出处 《自动化应用》 2023年第12期61-64,共4页 Automation Application
关键词 备自投 快速切换 同期捕捉 残压切换 长延时切换 频差 standby investment fast switching simultaneous capture residual pressure switching long delay switching frequency difference
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