

Research on Fine Design of Curb Ramp on Sidewalk
摘要 人行道设计中的缘石坡道作为最基础的无障碍市政设施之一,在道路设计中往往被设计人员所忽视,大多是直接套用一些图集,并没有根据实际情况进行细化设计,使得施工人员在施工中往往凭借经验完成缘石坡道的施工,不仅可能未满足标准要求,有些甚至存在安全隐患。因此以缘石坡道的相关设计标准为依据,通过数学的方法推导出缘石坡道具体尺寸的计算公式,并总结归纳了不同类型缘石坡道的适用条件,以期为缘石坡道的精细化设计提供参考,更好地推动无障碍事业的发展。 As one of the most basic accessibility municipal facilities,the curb ramp is often ignored by the designers in road design.Most of them directly apply some atlases and do not design by the actual situation.The construction personnel often complete the construction of the curb ramp by experience,which not only fails to meet the design standards but also has some potential safety hazards.Based on the relevant design standards of curb ramps,this paper deduces the calculation formula of the specific size of curb ramps through mathematical methods and summarizes the applicable conditions of different types of curb ramps in order to provide a reference for the fine design of curb ramps and better promote the development of acceibility industry.
作者 罗川 Luo Chuan(Jiangxi College of Construction,Nanchang 330200,China)
出处 《市政技术》 2023年第7期7-12,共6页 Journal of Municipal Technology
基金 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目:人行道中缘石坡道精细化设计研究(GJJ2207308)。
关键词 人行道 无障碍 缘石坡道 精细化设计 sidewalk accessibility curb ramp fine design
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