
安徽某高校大学生结核病防治知信行现状及健康需求调查 被引量:3

Investigation on knowledge,attitude,practice and health education demand of tuberculosis among students in an Anhui university
摘要 目的 了解高校新生结核病防治知信行现状及健康需求,为有效开展高校结核病健康教育和综合干预提供依据。方法 整群抽取安徽某高校2022级入学报到的5 351名新生,通过发放电子问卷的方式,了解大学生肺结核防治知、信、行现状,信息获取渠道及健康需求。结果 安徽某高校新生结核病防治知识总知晓率为71.60%。在结核病防治核心知识知晓方面,不同性别、民族、生源地、母亲文化程度以及是否接受过结核病宣教的学生知晓率不同,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在正确态度持有率方面,男生、农村、未接受过结核病健康宣教的学生低于相应的女生、城镇及接受过宣教的学生。在正确行为持有率方面,男生、理工类、农村、未接受过结核病健康宣教及双亲文化程度在高中及以下的学生低于对应的女生、文史类、城镇、接受过结核病健康宣教及双亲文化程度在大专及以上的学生。57.62%的学生希望能通过广播、电视、电影、音像材料等形式,50.68%的学生希望通过网站、微信、微博或APP等形式获取结核病防治知识。结论 高校大学生结核病防治知信行有待提高,建议结合“00”后大学生的特点,采取“互联网+”等新型模式,提高综合干预效果。 Objective To understand the current status of knowledge,attitude,practice and health needs of tuberculosis prevention and control among college freshmen,and to provide a basis for effective tuberculosis health education and comprehensive intervention in college.Methods A whole-group sampling method was adopted to select 5 351 freshmen who enrolled and reported to a university in Anhui for the class of 2022.An electronic questionnaire was distributed to understand the current status of their knowledge,attitude,practice,access to information and health needs for tuberculosis prevention and control.Results The overall awareness rate of tuberculosis prevention and control among freshmen in a college in Anhui was 71.60%.The awareness rate of core knowledge of tuberculosis prevention and control differed between students of different genders,ethnicities,places of origin,mothers' literacy,and whether they had received tuberculosis education.The differences were statistically significant(P 0.05).The rates of correct attitude holding among male,rural students,and students who had not received tuberculosis health promotion were lower than those among female,urban students,and students who had received tuberculosis health promotion.The correct behavior holding rate of male,science and technology students,and rural students was lower than that of female,literature and history students,and urban students.Moreover,the rates of correct behaviors among students who had not received tuberculosis health promotion and who had two parents with education level of high school and below were lower than the rate of correct behaviors among students who had received tuberculosis health promotion and who had two parents with education level of college and above.57.62% of students hoped to receive health education through radio,television,movies and audio-visual materials,while 50.68% of students hoped to receive health education through websites,We Chat,Weibo or other APPs.Conclusion The knowledge,attitude and practice among the university students need to be improved.Therefore,the school should carry out tuberculosis health education activities combined the characteristics of post-2000s undergraduates,and adopt new models,such as Internet+,to improve the effect of comprehensive intervention.
作者 吴红花 夏仕银 刘刚 李耀文 王志焘 薛莲 WU Hong-hua;XIA Shi-yin;LIU Gang;LI Yao-wen;WANG Zhi-tao;XUE Lian(Hefei University of Technology Hospital,Anhui 230009,China)
出处 《安徽预防医学杂志》 2023年第3期237-241,共5页 Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 结核病 知信行 大学生 健康教育 Tuberculosis Knowledge,attitude and behaviors College students Health education
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