OBJECTIVE A descriptive analysis of the situation of maternal deaths in Tongren from 2016 to 2020 was conductedto find out the main factors affecting maternal deaths and provide policy suggestions for reducing matemal deaths.METHODS A ret-rospective analysis of the 52 basic information,causes of death and review delays in Tongren from 2016 to 2020 was conducted.RESULTS From 2016 to 2020,the maternal mortality rate in Tongren showed a decreasing trend year by year,decreasing from34.22/10^(5)in 2016 to 11.25/10^(5) in 2020.Cause of death by obstetric direct cause to obstetric indirect causes,matemal death mainlyconcentrated in the age of 20-29 years old,education level was given priority to with junior high school and below,pregnancy carewas given priority to with 1~4 times,the place of death was given priority to with district(county)hospital,the factors affectingmaternal death to district(county)level medical institutions knowledge skills,management problems.CONCLUSION It is an importantmeasure to reduce maternal death to increase the publicity of maternal health knowledge,strengthen the consciousness of the firstresponsible person of maternal health and increase the awareness of the importance of maternal health care;strengthen the knowledgeand skill training of the grassroots medical staf,enhance the professional technical level of the obstetric medical staff in primarymedical institutions,pay attention to the early identification and treatment of obstetric complications and complications of hospitalinternal management,formulate the emergency treatment plan of critical matemal,multidisciplinary and multiple departments,and increase the emergency treatment drill of pregnant women.
YANG Qing;CHEN Jing;YANG Hua(Tongren Matemal and Child Health Care hospital,Tongren,Guizhou,554300,China)
Chinese Primary Health Care